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[LONG] Re: Kernel Bug in SME 5.6


[LONG] Re: Kernel Bug in SME 5.6
« on: July 17, 2003, 04:04:56 PM »
I do a MemTest on my SME 5.5 box because the 5.6 doesn't work for me... as u can see in this thread.

The result is :


@400000003f167f5f2994a934 Unable to malloc 339738624 bytes.
@400000003f167f5f2994e7b4 Unable to malloc 338690048 bytes.
@400000003f167f5f29952634 Unable to malloc 337641472 bytes.
@400000003f167f5f299564b4 Unable to malloc 336592896 bytes.
@400000003f167f5f2995a334 Unable to malloc 335544320 bytes.


@400000003f167f5f299600f4 Allocated 334495744 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources.
@400000003f167f5f2996d7cc Allocated 333443072 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources.
@400000003f167f5f299754cc Allocated 332390400 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources.
@400000003f167f5f2997cde4 Allocated 331337728 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources.
@400000003f167f5f29984ae4 Allocated 330285056 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources.


@400000003f167f5f29efc954 Allocated 134488064 bytes...trying mlock...failed: insufficient resources.
@400000003f167f5f29f03a9c Allocated 133435392 bytes...trying mlock...success. Starting tests...
@400000003f167f8112be1e5c Testing 133431296 bytes at 0x40301000 (4088 bytes lost to page alignment).
@400000003f167f8112bec26c Run 1:
@400000003f167f8112bf0ca4 Test 1: Stuck Address: Testing...Passed.
@400000003f167fa91f4db5c4 Test 2: Random value: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f167fac1845767c FAILURE: 0xe77af1d3 != 0xef7af1d3 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fac1845dc0c Skipping to next test...
@400000003f167fac1846225c Test 3: XOR comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f167fad34da2c9c Test 4: SUB comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f167faf15d10794 Test 5: MUL comparison: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f167fb016800c44 FAILURE: 0x627b9bd0 != 0x6a7b9bd0 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fb016806dec Skipping to next test...
@400000003f167fb01680b054 Test 6: DIV comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f167fb22e0303bc Test 7: OR comparison: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f167fb32c8a1b74 FAILURE: 0xf7ff8b8c != 0xffff8b8c at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fb32c8a7d1c Skipping to next test...
@400000003f167fb32c8abf84 Test 8: AND comparison: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f167fb42b0ff2dc FAILURE: 0x72bf8300 != 0x7abf8300 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fb42b10586c Skipping to next test...
@400000003f167fb42b10a2a4 Test 9: Sequential Increment: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f167fb5385a52ac Test 10: Solid Bits: Testing... 2
@400000003f167fb9051e3bec FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fb9051ea564 Skipping to next test...


@400000003f16800c05eb82b4 Test 1: Stuck Address: Testing... 15
@400000003f16802403bb4ca4 FAILURE: possible bad address line at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802403bb873c Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16802403bbc9a4 Test 2: Random value: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f16802637eff81c FAILURE: 0xb5e70bb5 != 0xbde70bb5 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802637f05dac Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16802637f0a7e4 Test 3: XOR comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f1680281b09e1f4 Test 4: SUB comparison: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f168029199ae4bc FAILURE: 0xd059c115 != 0xd859c115 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f168029199b4664 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f168029199bbb94 Test 5: MUL comparison: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f16802a1855ce14 FAILURE: 0x91bdaed4 != 0xb1bdaed4 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802a18562fbc Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16802a18567224 Test 6: DIV comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f16802c2fd650a4 Test 7: OR comparison: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f16802d2e982f3c FAILURE: 0xf7dfccef != 0xffdfccef at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802d2e9898b4 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16802d2e98df04 Test 8: AND comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f16802f0f92deac Test 9: Sequential Increment: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f16802f39f9e17c FAILURE: 0x67e8a911 != 0x6fe8a911 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802f39fa4324 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16802f39fa8974 Test 10: Solid Bits: Testing... 0
@400000003f16803028b9e934 FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16803028ba52ac Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16803028ba98fc Test 11: Block Sequential: Testing... 8
@400000003f16803b0917b0ac FAILURE: 0x00080808 != 0x08080808 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16803b0917e75c Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16803b091829c4 Test 12: Checkerboard: Testing... 1
@400000003f16803d04e83bb4 FAILURE: 0xa2aaaaaa != 0xaaaaaaaa at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16803d04e8a144 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16803d04e8e794 Test 13: Bit Spread: Testing... 25
@400000003f16805e0e4d3b64 FAILURE: 0x02000000 != 0x0a000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16805e0e4d9924 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f16805e0e4ddf74 Test 14: Bit Flip: Testing... 2
@400000003f1680611732ca14 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16806117335e84 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f1680611733a4d4 Test 15: Walking Ones: Testing... 27
@400000003f168083042ef604 FAILURE: 0x00000000 != 0x08000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f168083042f5b94 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f168083042f9dfc Test 16: Walking Zeroes: Testing... 0
@400000003f1680832f6faf34 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680832f7014c4 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f1680832f705efc Run 2 completed in 119 seconds (13 tests showed errors).
@400000003f1680832f708ddc Run 3:
@400000003f1680832f70c874 Test 1: Stuck Address: Testing...Passed.
@400000003f1680a216b0efe4 Test 2: Random value: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f1680a50f95efd4 FAILURE: 0x75ce2498 != 0x7dce2498 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680a50f965564 Skipping to next test...
@400000003f1680a50f9697cc Test 3: XOR comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f1680a62c2c8284 Test 4: SUB comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f1680a80d250f14 Test 5: MUL comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f1680a929f02714 Test 6: DIV comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f1680ac05f542cc Test 7: OR comparison: Setting...Testing...
@400000003f1680ad04831cfc FAILURE: 0xd6efb836 != 0xdeefb836 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680ad0483828c Skipping to next test...
@400000003f1680ad0483ccc4 Test 8: AND comparison: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f1680ae211ee3b4 Test 9: Sequential Increment: Setting...Testing...Passed.
@400000003f1680af31008094 Test 10: Solid Bits: Testing... 0
@400000003f1680b01fbede84 FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.


In fact :

[root@sme root]# cat /var/log/memtest/current | grep completed
@400000003f16800c05eb1554 Run 1 completed in 139 seconds (11 tests showed errors).
@400000003f1680832f705efc Run 2 completed in 119 seconds (13 tests showed errors).
@400000003f16810110cfbfc4 Run 3 completed in 126 seconds (9 tests showed errors).
@400000003f16817a1e527574 Run 4 completed in 121 seconds (14 tests showed errors).
@400000003f1681f63047d724 Run 5 completed in 124 seconds (13 tests showed errors).

and :

[root@sme root]# cat /var/log/memtest/current | grep FAILURE
@400000003f167fac1845767c FAILURE: 0xe77af1d3 != 0xef7af1d3 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fb016800c44 FAILURE: 0x627b9bd0 != 0x6a7b9bd0 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fb32c8a1b74 FAILURE: 0xf7ff8b8c != 0xffff8b8c at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fb42b0ff2dc FAILURE: 0x72bf8300 != 0x7abf8300 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fb9051e3bec FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fc320fd6964 FAILURE: 0x00080808 != 0x08080808 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fc51cc9414c FAILURE: 0xa2aaaaaa != 0xaaaaaaaa at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fe6219b4774 FAILURE: 0x02000000 != 0x0a000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f167fe92a2c4d84 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16800b1649297c FAILURE: 0x00000000 != 0x08000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16800c05ea0bb4 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802403bb4ca4 FAILURE: possible bad address line at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802637eff81c FAILURE: 0xb5e70bb5 != 0xbde70bb5 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f168029199ae4bc FAILURE: 0xd059c115 != 0xd859c115 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802a1855ce14 FAILURE: 0x91bdaed4 != 0xb1bdaed4 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802d2e982f3c FAILURE: 0xf7dfccef != 0xffdfccef at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16802f39f9e17c FAILURE: 0x67e8a911 != 0x6fe8a911 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16803028b9e934 FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16803b0917b0ac FAILURE: 0x00080808 != 0x08080808 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16803d04e83bb4 FAILURE: 0xa2aaaaaa != 0xaaaaaaaa at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16805e0e4d3b64 FAILURE: 0x02000000 != 0x0a000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680611732ca14 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f168083042ef604 FAILURE: 0x00000000 != 0x08000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680832f6faf34 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680a50f95efd4 FAILURE: 0x75ce2498 != 0x7dce2498 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680ad04831cfc FAILURE: 0xd6efb836 != 0xdeefb836 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680b01fbede84 FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680bb03b0d4f4 FAILURE: 0x00080808 != 0x08080808 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680bc3ad64b44 FAILURE: 0xa2aaaaaa != 0xaaaaaaaa at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680de0a88ec1c FAILURE: 0x02000000 != 0x0a000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1680de34e26de4 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16810021319cac FAILURE: 0x00000000 != 0x08000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16810110cf13e4 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16811c252ee1fc FAILURE: 0xc723103b != 0xcf23103b at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16811d23fb6ef4 FAILURE: 0xe4f52934 != 0xecf52934 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16811e228355b4 FAILURE: 0x71098988 != 0x81098988 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16811f234cc034 FAILURE: 0x83070ff8 != 0x73070ff8 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681211cbbfec4 FAILURE: 0x00000003 != 0x00000002 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681221b5327c4 FAILURE: 0x35edc56f != 0x3dedc56f at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16812426b51c6c FAILURE: 0xd7991f89 != 0xdf991f89 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681251571d864 FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16812f334f3b24 FAILURE: 0x00080808 != 0x08080808 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681312f8c62dc FAILURE: 0xa2aaaaaa != 0xaaaaaaaa at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681532a85a884 FAILURE: 0x02000000 != 0x0a000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681563472faa4 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffe != 0xfffffffe at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16817820f6d9b4 FAILURE: 0x00000000 != 0x08000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16817a1e51c994 FAILURE: 0xf7fffffd != 0xfffffffd at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f168195324fefac FAILURE: 0x137f5d85 != 0x1b7f5d85 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16819630d8cc84 FAILURE: 0x64847779 != 0x6c847779 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681972f5ff7c4 FAILURE: 0xe4cd365c != 0xeccd365c at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681983032b8e4 FAILURE: 0x36d08218 != 0x8ed08218 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16819a2a374a04 FAILURE: 0x00000000 != 0x00000002 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16819b28bfe08c FAILURE: 0x35fd2b72 != 0x3dfd2b72 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16819f054f0c04 FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681a921a2486c FAILURE: 0x00080808 != 0x08080808 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681ab1d2e9e84 FAILURE: 0xa2aaaaaa != 0xaaaaaaaa at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681d022d390c4 FAILURE: 0x02000000 != 0x0a000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681d234fd9aec FAILURE: 0x00000001 != 0x00ff0001 at offset 0x00c44350.
@400000003f1681f42b038efc FAILURE: 0x00000000 != 0x08000000 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1681f630472f2c FAILURE: 0xf7fffffd != 0xfffffffd at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16820e1fb1c6f4 FAILURE: possible bad address line at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1682111855743c FAILURE: 0xef49361c != 0xe749361c at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16821217bc2a0c FAILURE: 0x73bf5826 != 0x7bbf5826 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16821318853e9c FAILURE: 0x742d7798 != 0x7c2d7798 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f168214172112ec FAILURE: 0x259e8800 != 0x2d9e8800 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1682172ec9033c FAILURE: 0x55eb780b != 0x5deb780b at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f16821b0b5786bc FAILURE: 0xf7ffffff != 0xffffffff at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f168225260cf1a4 FAILURE: 0x00080808 != 0x08080808 at offset 0x002998ee.
@400000003f1682272198cabc FAILURE: 0xa2aaaaaa != 0xaaaaaaaa at offset 0x002998ee.

My purpose is to know if this test is really represantative of the reality... and how do you interpret the results ?

I think that my Ram Memory is broken... but I'm not sure...

Any idea ?

Thx in advance.


Re: [LONG] Re: Kernel Bug in SME 5.6
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2003, 11:54:50 AM »
Swap your ram with known working ram and see!



Re: [LONG] Re: Kernel Bug in SME 5.6
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2003, 11:57:04 AM »
This is what I did last night and all tests report no errors.

So I solve my problem of Ram.

Thx to all for help.