I want to install phpxplorer as standard filemanager for the IBays, the idea is to intall it automaticly into the HTML directory and use as home directory the files dir in the IBay. This is allready working.
Two problems keep me busy, maybe someone has a solution:
When I upload a file of 24Kb I get the error:
Could not upload file. Check your php.ini (upload_max_filesize) or talk to your provider. (2.jpg) (max. 10M)
php.ini is set to:
upload_max_filesize = 10M
Secondly I would like PhpXplorer is following the user-richts from the one who is logged in to the IBay, does anyone has experiance with this program? If their is a better solution with minimal Phpxplorer functionality I'm yours.
The idear is to create a system wich is 99 percent weboriented, so winSCP is no solution, it also havent the editing facilities.