Hi All,
We need to connect a remote office back to the main office using a VPN pipeline but am really struggling to get a VPN connection between my SME 5.5 server (in the main office) which now runs FreeSwan and a new ADSL gateway router (NetComm NB5580). My main issue with this is that the Public Encryption Key for the SME box is 346 characters long and the NetComm appears to support up to 23 characters.
I have tried to set up the VPN from the SME end by telling it the Remote Gateway's Public Encryption Key is (say) test and configuring that on the other end but it still will not connect. I have also tried DES and 3DES encryption on the other end but still no joy.
Has anyone tried this combo and had it work? Or perhaps had similar issues connecting other VPN devices to the SME box?
All advice will be gratefully accepted.