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Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack


Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« on: June 24, 2004, 06:51:16 PM »
Good Morning,

I couldn't see a link on the feedback page to put this posting in the correct place so I'm posting it here.

I've followed the how-to with success. I know where and how to edit the files pertinent to DansGuardian from a command line. For ease of use though, I enjoy a GUI interface. A solution that I've found would be to install WebMin (read below before flaming) and then the DGWebMin module available at http://miror.optusnet.com.au/sourceforge/d/dg/dgwebminmodule It puts a nice GUI interface to configuring DansGuardian. These files are not overwritten by the e-smith template system so they wouldn't be affected. Of course one would need to note that the WebMin interface should only be used for this purpose. ANY OTHER PURPOSE WOULD BE DISSOLVED AT REBOOT. Again, all this wouldn't be needed if one would write a manager panel like this WebMin module for SME. I'm not a programmer so I couldn't do it.

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Re: Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2004, 10:06:06 AM »
Hi Wally

So did you work out the template fragments and where they should go to redirect port 3128 to 8080 etc.
If so please provide the details and I can update the HOWTO.

> For ease of use though, I enjoy a GUI interface.

Stephen Noble at dungog.net does have a GUI already developed for Dansguardian, but it will cost you a small amount.

> A solution that I've found would be to install
> WebMin and then the DGWebMin module ......It puts
> a nice GUI interface to configuring DansGuardian.

You say "a solution that I've found would be to install"....

Does this mean you did actually try this and prove it works, or are you just suggesting it as a possible solution ?


GUI Interface
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2004, 02:03:49 PM »
Good Morning,

The GUI interface is a lot like the one that can be added IPCOP ( http://www.dageek.co.uk/ipcop/addonz/dansgui.htm ). I worked with it yesterday and found some issues that I'm not sure where their root is. I edited the files accordingly and then saved them. I rebooted, checked the files again through the WebMin (WM) screen and everything was still there. I went to the browser on the client and it didn't block the test word I put in. I shutdown DG and then restarted DG, it blocked. I'm not exactly sure how and in what order DG runs through the files blocking various things.

The DGWM allows for you to change the proxy port as well as the filter port. Now if your talking about redirecting port 3128 to 8080 for transparency's(?) sake, I enforce a global policy through my Active Directory restricting them to only 8080 and they can't change it. I have seen some posts regarding some iptables configurations that drop 80 and 3128 so users can't re-route through them.

I plan working with this some more next week. Today I will be to busy to deal with it. Have you taken a look at the DGWM yet?


WebMin DG Module
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2004, 02:09:38 AM »
Good Evening,

I've had good success with the DGWM. The only thing I'm left that I'm working on is the forced user authentication. I'm currently using SME 6 and the SquidGuard stuff that I've found doesn't work. I'm going to drop it down to 5.6 and put DG on it along with the DGWM and give it a whirl.

For anyone else though, this method works just fine in that you install DG as the howto details. After you get done, install WebMin (remembering that your only using this interface to modify DG ONLY!!), and then you can edit the config files for DG at will with no fear of losing anything on reboot.

This is a work in progress so, I'll keep you posted if there are any further developments.


Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2005, 03:34:27 PM »
Hi Mr. Mitchell,

After creating a new SME 6.0.1 server, I updated its files using the smeplus.sh script. I once used squidGuard but it has too many conflicts with other contribs. I decided to use Dansguardian but I am stucked with the "zlib >= 1.2.2 is needed by DansGuardian-" error. I tried to look for a "zlib-1.2.2.rpm" instead the only available download is "zlib-1.2.2.tar.gz". Installing this file lead me to another dependency problem. Is there another way of installing this utility a little easier?

Thanks and more power.

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Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2005, 02:53:39 AM »
Hi Mr. Mitchell,

Thanks for the reply. I have a new SME box created and updated using http://sme.braunstein.de/update/smeplus.sh since the last one was really messed up by the installation of zlib-1.2.2.

I already followed the instructions in http://dungog.net/sme/files/amavis-antivirus/README.txt and http://dungog.net/sme/files/dansguardian/README.txt   Again I am stucked in the installation of zlib-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm with the following error

# rpm -Uvh zlib-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm
error: failed dependencies:
        zlib = is needed by zlib-devel-.2.1.1-4


# rpm -ivh zlib-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
file /usr/lib/libz.so.1 from install of zlib-1.2.2-1 conflicts with file from package zlib-

What should I do?


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Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2005, 04:48:50 AM »

> http://sme.braunstein.de/update/smeplus.sh

Using that script will most likely cause you upgrade problems later when new OS is released. You now have a very non standard box and it's causing you problems already.

> # rpm -Uvh zlib-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
> zlib = is needed by zlib-devel-.2.1.1-4

Use rpm -Uvh as preference, it will update or install as required.

That's saying that zlib-devel-.2.1.1-4 needs zlib-
You are trying to instal a newer zlib-1.2.2-1 which then creates dependency issues with zlib-devel.2.1.1-4

At a guess you need to update zlib-devel to a compatible version or use --force or --nodeps (which is not always a good thing to do as you may upset something else).

You could try
rpm -Uvh --nodeps rpm -Uvh zlib-1.2.2-1.i386.rpm

but don't blame me if it creates other issues.


Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2005, 02:36:11 PM »
No, I will not blame you Mr. Mitchell for I had done before the --nodeps option which messed my SME box.

I guess I'll have to shelve this attempt for a while until a solution can be found.

Thanks again.

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Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2005, 05:03:50 AM »

> I guess I'll have to shelve this attempt for a while until a solution can be found.

The correct solution was mentioned.

"At a guess you need to update zlib-devel to a compatible version... "


Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2005, 10:40:14 AM »


Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2005, 04:57:40 PM »
Hi all,

I already found a way in installing zlib-1.2.2 and that is right after a fresh install of SME 6.0. Updating SME using smeplus.sh will not overwrite zlib-1.2.1 over zlib 1.2.2

It seems that I have a long way to go since I don't know how to configure DansGuardian manually. I tried to install the dgwebminmodule but I could not find a how-to for the installation and configuration.

I made a "dansguardian" ibay, enabling the access throughout the internet with password and enabling the use of cgi, php and ssi.

When I tried to browse http://mydomain.com/dansguardian, all I get is the "This information bay has not yet been customized." message. If the password is enabled, what is the default user?

Can somebody point me where to acquire a "how-to" for the dgwebminmodule?


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Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2005, 06:13:00 AM »

> It seems that I have a long way to go since I
> don't know how to configure DansGuardian manually.

The HOWTO gives some tips for manual configuration using Linux command prompt. It's really just a matter of making changes to the required config files in /etc/dansguardian
pico /etc/dansguardian/bannedextensionlist
saving the file
and then restarting dansguardian
/etc/init.d/dansguardian restart
The restart is required so the config files are read and the changes you made take effect.



> I tried to install the dgwebminmodule but I could > not find a how-to for the installation and configuration.

Perhaps you should ask wallyrp for more help on that as it seems he has worked out how to install and use it with dansguardian.


dansguardian using webmin
« Reply #13 on: October 02, 2005, 05:24:02 AM »
To use the dgwebmin package on sourceforge you will need to install the webmin rpm.  You can download this rpm from www.webmin.com.  It installs on SME without a hitch.  After it is installed you just go to http://myserver:10000 and you get a graphical administration page.  From there you click on Webmin Configuration and then click on Webmin Modules.  Browse to the .WBM file and install it.  After this then voila, you will have a Dansguardian icon in the servers section.
Webmin is a <b>very</b> slick package.  It would be great if SME moved away from the standard e-smith panel packages and just adopted webmin packages.  There are hundreds of webmin modules available.
Be very careful modifying any configuration file via webmin that is controlled by your SME panels.  If you post an upgrade you may completely overwrite your changes.

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Ray Mitchell's DansGuardian HowTo FeedBack
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2007, 05:52:41 PM »
There's a revised Howto for sme7 here