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Scalix on SME


Scalix on SME
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2006, 05:31:53 AM »
Any new news on this subject ?




Scalix - Food for thought....
« Reply #31 on: May 17, 2006, 05:37:52 PM »
Here is what I can tell you after doing some serious research over last few days regarding Scalix on a variety of platforms and the best way to accomplish what I am trying to do (an easy to use MS SBS replacement). Take what you will from it

1. Scalix is using a pre-standard LDAP implementation. This product is old - an evolution of the HP OpenMail product. So linking SME to their LDAP will probably be more trouble than it is worth.

2. You cannot change the LDAP port in the standard Scalix version installers (CE, Small Business, Enterprise).

3. The Community Edition RAW allows you to change LDAP to a different port (they suggest 3890) if you are using an existing instance of LDAP, and redistribute, at the cost of the GUI installer (text only install on CE-R), so perhaps it could be bundled in an RPM with a script to make the needed change to the /etc/redhat-release file, as well as any other changes and then start the installer.

4. If you are looking for ability to host either Scalix Small Business or Enterprise down the road (due to # of Outlook users required), you will need to ask Scalix if you can ugrade CE-Raw to SB or Ent, like you can the standard version of CE, so you retain the modified port, or move it to a different server.

Finally - You WILL need every bit of RAM they say, as I tried it with 416M on an Athlon 850-powered box running SuSE 10.0 OSS for just me and my wife, and it was slow approaching on unusable. The Java rendering of the UI was like watching paint dry. I'd probably suggest no less than 1G or RAM and a 1G Mhz processor or better for a business for snappy performance


More about Scalix LDAP
« Reply #32 on: May 18, 2006, 03:13:10 PM »
Here is an interesting post on Scalix forum:


1. It tells us that Scalix uses LDAP as a translation agent for LDAP data and does not store it in LDAP but in a construct called DIRECTORY

2. It tells us that it can sync it's data to an external instance of LDAP using omldapsync

So....the $20 question...

If we have 2 instances of LDAP running, SME on port 389, and Scalix on 3890 (installed using Community Edition RAW). could we use omldapsync to end the LDAP issues that seem to be core to Scalix running on SME?


Another useful Scalix forum link
« Reply #33 on: May 18, 2006, 03:30:42 PM »
This one pretty much verified what I stated in my previous two posts:


1. That Scalix uses a non-standard LDAP
2. That you can run 2 LDAPs on one box
3. That you can sync the 2 LDAPS using omldapsync

This was a direct reply by the Scalix Moderator to a question about using Scalix's LDAP as the the central LDAP for a company, but I think we can use it to fix the issues that have been mentioned earlier.


Can somone link the HOW-TO that has been mentioned? I cannot seem to find it.


Offline haymann

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Scalix on SME
« Reply #34 on: May 18, 2006, 05:28:39 PM »
I was assuming that the HOW-TO mentioned is the one that appears on page one of this thread. The last time that I looked, I couldn't find it on the HOW-TO  section of this site...


Scalix on SME
« Reply #35 on: May 18, 2006, 06:38:43 PM »
Thanks Haymann!!!

btw: Old Buffalonians never die, they just thaw out!

D. Gross
SUNY@Bflo class of 90

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Scalix on SME
« Reply #36 on: May 19, 2006, 09:10:51 PM »
Quote from: "davehg"
Old Buffalonians never die, they just thaw out!
:lol: We rarely notice the whole global warming thing... :lol:

Thanks for looking at the Scalix integration, I hope to have time to play with this soon. Horde is nice, but Scalix (and Zimbra) look very nice indeed.


Re: Another useful Scalix forum link
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2006, 03:08:18 PM »
Quote from: "davehg"
This one pretty much verified what I stated in my previous two posts:


1. That Scalix uses a non-standard LDAP
2. That you can run 2 LDAPs on one box
3. That you can sync the 2 LDAPS using omldapsync


I'm looking into replacing my SME6 box with Ubuntu+OpenLDAP+Samba+Scalix. It seems that one should be able to:
1. run Scalix LDAP on another port than 389.
By using the Scalix raw installer:
see Setting up a Non-Default LDAP Port Number:
edit /var/opt/scalix/sys/slapd.conf, change port number
and in /etc/opt/scalix/webmail/swa.properties:
and in

2. Apparently, one should be able to extend the ldap schema for an openldap server with scalix specific info. Then, the scalix LDAP server can hand off authentication requests to the normal OpenLDAP server.
(at davidz' post of June 13 2006)

1+2 together: it should be possible to keep the existing infrastructure (LDAP-wise anyway), define your users in SME and run Scalix next to it.
Although I haven't tried this in SME, I'm looking at implementing a similar arrangement in Ubuntu.
Hope this gives some hope ;)

Offline albatroz

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Scalix on SME
« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2007, 07:08:45 PM »
Klaus buena idea!

Interesting, you use VMWare Player, which is free too for running SME inside the same box you installed CentOS+Scalix.

Do you think it is an stable solution?


scalix on sme 7.1
« Reply #39 on: March 24, 2007, 02:35:43 PM »
Is there anything new about installing scalix on sme 7.1??

i installd scalix as written in the howto but i cant open sac or webmail

any ideas??

thanks a lot

Offline sonoracomm

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Scalix on SME
« Reply #40 on: March 27, 2007, 10:14:53 PM »
Just my 2 cents...

I have a fair amount of experience with SME Server.

I have one production Scalix installation that has been in since last September (I think)..

I have been through one major Scalix upgrade cycle (V 10 to V 11).

Here are a couple of comments:

1) SME is big and complex.
2) Scalix is big and complex.
3) I don't think it is a realistic goal to run them side by side on the same machine.
4) Unless you use virtualization!
5) I have numerous production VMware Server installations and most have SME 7 too.
6) I suggest using SME 7 as the host OS if using VMware Server.
7) I suggest using Centos as the Scalix VM guest OS.
8) Use a beefy machine (my install was on a new dual-Xeon 3.0GHz 4U server with hardware RAID 5).
9) Performance suffers in a (VMware) VM.  (I am about to test Xen on a beefy new server with hardware assisted virtualization).
10) Run performance-critical processes on the host OS, if practical.
11) Anything that uses an Outlook Connector (plugin) will cause you problems beyond your expectations (I have tried several).
12) Wait until the dust settles before upgrading Scalix!  You have been warned.

These comments are all based on experience and only represent my recommendations...not what is possible.