Great Job Ray! Thanks,
I believe I found a typo:
Modifying Firewall and Proxy
[edit] Configuring your system to force Dansguardian usage & prevent bypassing
Dansguardian uses port 8080 for web proxy requests. If your browser does not use port 8080 then Dansguardian filtering will be bypassed. To force this usage & prevent users bypassing filtering you should do the following steps:
1) Configure your sme server to use Transparent Proxy port 8080 and to block direct access to the squid proxy port 3128 & redirect port 80 to port 8080
Note the functionality to create custom firewall rules using iptables is built in to the rpms provided by
config setprop squid TransparentPort 8080
config setprop dansguardian portblocking yes
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event-reboot
To return Transparent Proxy port to default value and to disable portblocking
config delprop squid TransparentPort 3128
config delprop dansguardian portblocking
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event-reboot
I believe the last line should be:
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
Note no dash before "reboot".
Also is:
To return Transparent Proxy port to default value and to disable portblocking
config delprop squid TransparentPort 3128
config delprop dansguardian portblocking
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event-reboot
correct or should it be:
config setprop squid TransparentPort 3128