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Installing SME 7.4 into a KVM Promox VE do not recognize more than 3GB of memory

Offline veebr0

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Dear, friend I just Install a SME server 7.4 into a KVM into a Promox VE, I just assigned 8GB for the virtual machine in order to increase the sme perfomance but when I ron top command I can see that only 3GB is recognized by SME.

Note: Is very important to see that when I restart the SME I saw that when I use the arrow in the started Kernel option into  SME,  I will not able to use ELSMP kernel option.

Please let me know if I need to use an special command to force SME to use more that 3GB,

Thanks in advance.

Offline peterhocking

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SME Server is 32 bit, which means it can't see more than about 3.2 gig

Offline veebr0

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SME Server is 32 bit, which means it can't see more than about 3.2 gig
Thanks friend for your prompt answer but I think your answer is not totally true I installed SME 7.4 in a servers that have 16GB of ram and using the kernel option ELSM in the sme boot all memory is recognized.

Thanks again
p.s. I Think the problem is with the KVM


Offline vpurger

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You must use SMP kernel.
SME 7.5.1 operate normally under proxmox, including virtio drivers.

Proxmox version & kernel ?

Offline veebr0

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You must use SMP kernel.
SME 7.5.1 operate normally under proxmox, including virtio drivers.

Proxmox version & kernel ?

Actually I'm using Promox 1.7, kernel version: Linux 2.6.32-4-pve #1 SMP Fri Nov 26 06:42:28 CET 2010

Thanks in advance.

Offline lucho115

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Do you install from zero or move and baremetal install to kvm? i ask because i need to migrate an running phisical sme server 7.5.1 to kvm, i will use last proxmox or centos 6.2, i have not the choose yet, mainly because the developers of proxmox say me that dont use linux software raid, they dont support any problem in the forum if you are using software raid and that i need a raid controler with batteries, but i work in a litle organization and we dont have enough money to use hardware raid controlers (in fact the server was donated), and like centos 6.2 release in time to the deployment, iam thinking in used like kvm host. The problem its that i dont find any document to explain in detail how to migrate phisical installed sme server to kvm, if any of you did it, can you please tell me how to do it?
sorry about my english, i am from argentina.

Offline Stefano

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i have not the choose yet, mainly because the developers of proxmox say me that dont use linux software raid, they dont support any problem in the forum if you are using software raid and that i need a raid controler with batteries

true, proxmox doesn't support (out of the box) sw raid..

if your server is not too old, maybe you can find an hw raid controller with battery on ebay

Offline lucho115

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true, proxmox doesn't support (out of the box) sw raid..

if your server is not too old, maybe you can find an hw raid controller with battery on ebay

Iam from argentina, we cant bring thing from usa easy, anyway, the server is  dual cpu quadcore xeon e5440, with 24gb of ram and the mobo is an intel s5000vsasatar (6 sata ports). Here in argentina an raid controler con batteries cost more than 1500 dolars, and if its cost 500 or 200 anyway we dont have the money, wwe are an ong, the server was donated, buy it is not an alternative.

Offline janet

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The problem its that i dont find any document to explain in detail how to migrate phisical installed sme server to kvm, if any of you did it, can you please tell me how to do it?

The platform you are migrating from or to should not matter.
You can do a full backup using the built in backup software in server manager or admin console, and then restore the backup on the new system.
Note that with a server manager backup, you do the restore after the new system OS software has been installed and basic network configuration done, using the server manager Restore panel.
With a admin console backup (ie to a physically attached USB) you do the restore during the OS install process (you get a one off ability to do this, although the Backup server config wiki article referred to below has workarounds).
Using Affa is another approach that is easy & quick, refer Affa wiki article.
As with all SME supported backups/restores, you will need to reinstall contribs after you have done the restore, note that the contrib data and settings will be restored from the backup.
See the SME documentation (ie Manual) and also see http://wiki.contribs.org/Backup_server_config for additional info and insight.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 08:57:58 PM by mary »
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Offline janet

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If you cannot afford required hardware then that option (ie using proxmox) is not viable for you.
So I suggest you use a different virtual server OS that does support software RAID.
I am not familiar enough with them all to comment further, maybe try VMWare, see the wiki article http://wiki.contribs.org/Vmware
Please search before asking, an answer may already exist.
The Search & other links to useful information are at top of Forum.

Offline lucho115

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If you cannot afford required hardware then that option (ie using proxmox) is not viable for you.
So I suggest you use a different virtual server OS that does support software RAID.
I am not familiar enough with them all to comment further, maybe try VMWare, see the wiki article http://wiki.contribs.org/Vmware

thks for the data, i will try with the backup, but iam looking for anf phisical-virtual converter procedure.
Related to the virtualization software, i want to use kvm, because its free, opensourse and i will virtualize other server in that baremetal, like an alone mysql server, a alone lamp to 3 php aplications, and more. So i think the rigth choose is to use centos 6.2.
thks and sorry about the english.

Offline Stefano

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Offline lucho115

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take a look here: http://opennode.activesys.org/about/

OK, tnks, but to use centos 6.2, i have no problems to use virt in console or virtmanager in gnome, to admin the virtual manchines, the real problem is why proxmox not support software raid, and a detail "how to" migrate my installed sme server without to a backup and restore to kvm.

Offline Stefano

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install your virtual machine then migrate with affa (http://wiki.contribs.org/Affa)