I was thinking of making a remote SME Server monitor that would check the health of a SME server - primarily focus on its email capabilities and I was wondering whether this has interest for you server admins?
Initially functionality:
- RBL Monitor to check whether your IP or your ISP, if you you smart hosting, has been listed
- SMTP monitor to check whether you server is online and ready to receive mails.
If any of these events would occur the admin (or configured mail address) would receive an email alert.
Later I was planning, to enhance the email system of the SME server with more advanced inbound spam filter rules that I have developed over the years for my hosted spamfilter company. This would include additional SpamAssassin Rules, validated ClamAV Signatures but also additional plugins to qpsmtpd. The sme-unjunkmgr provides some quarantine functionality but this I will also enhance.
The site can be reached at:
http://smeoptimizer.swerts-knudsen.dk/Based on the interest I will make a SME contrib that gathers all this, but I just want to see whether there is interest first

Best regards,
Jesper (aka Knuddi)