On a sme 8.0 server, I tried changing the Hostname for www (for a virtual domain) to point to a Remote external public IP address for another domain/site.
In Domains panel the virtualdomain was set to Resolve locally.
I also disabled Http proxy in server manager, and ran the post-upgrade & reboot events
Internally behind the sme server (which is the gateway), a workstation web browser accesses
www.virtualdomain then it resolves to the external site (I tested this using VPN).
Also if I use lynx at CLI to access
www.virtualdomain it will also resolve to the external site (accessed CLI via ssh).
When I use a web browser from an external location (a third location) then if I access
http://virtualdomain I get the website that is in the ibay associated with that domain, if I access
http://www.virtualdomain, then I resolve to the web site in primary for the main domain on the gateway server hosting the virtual domain, which appears to be what you experience under some conditions.
Not sure why that last part is not working "as expected". Flushed caches on browsers etc, so there may be some sort of a problem or bug internally with sme, although not as extensive as you experience (eg my lynx resolves OK).
A very simple way to forward requests for the virtual site to the external location, is to just put a index.html file in the ibay associated with the domain, and make that index contain a link to the eternal site. I tried that and it works quite OK, without needing to change Hostname or Domain or Http proxy settings.
index.html contents
<TITLE>Redirecting to the website...</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="0; URL=http://www.externaldomain.com">