Koozali.org: home of the SME Server


What does the community want?

Dis-ban the current board and foundation and go back to the status quo
Keep the current Foundation, but elect a new board of directors
Keep the current Foundation and board of directors
Don't care

REQUEST FOR VOTE: SME Project Leadership

Offline ajkeane

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Re: REQUEST FOR VOTE: SME Project Leadership
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2013, 11:23:17 AM »

May I ask you one question as ajkeane (not a board member)?

Why is it that you have so much energy to put into talking any progress down instead of putting all that energy into something constructive for a change.

No one else has seen the need to be negative in relation to what is being done to try and move SME forward. Maybe I have missed something but I believe this board has received more votes than any before it.

I appreciate the time people have taken to vote and have their say, I am only to happy to work for the community and hope that more people will see fit to stand up and join the movement. Let face it SME can be so much more than it is today but it will not succeed unless the community join with the board in deciding the distributions future.

We all have day jobs and are working away as we can for the future of SME in a positive and uplifting manner. This would all go faster and be more productive if we had two things.

More motivated people giving their time or money. It is a simple recipe really. But negativity motivates no one.

To all the forum and list members who have voted once again thanks and to those lurkers who have chosen to not vote why not take the time to join in now and have your say.


Offline ajkeane

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Re: REQUEST FOR VOTE: SME Project Leadership
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2013, 11:20:49 PM »

Voting on this thread has now closed and the thread will be locked shortly.

I will now verify that we have no duplicate votes between the forum and list votes and will then post the official results of this vote.

All of the Koozali Foundation, Inc board members would like to thank those of the community that took the time to read, comment and vote on this matter. It means a lot to all of us that you took the time and have shown that you are interested in the future of this community.
