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SSL commercial certificate and Outlook

SSL commercial certificate and Outlook
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:28:21 PM »

I was asked to take over managing our in house server once the person in charge moved to a new project. I realized it was using the self-signed ssl certificate and purchased a wildcard one from Comodo. I installed it correctly and tested it on different browsers, but then got calls that outlook could not send or recieve emails. The office uses Outlook 2010, and when I checked I got an error that it could not find the server. Digging a bit deeper I realized the problems is not really on the server, but with Outlook, however there is no much information an this issue and am wondering if anyone has had this happen before. The domain our company uses is i2e.com.ec, so the wildcard certificate I got should cover all domains *.i2e.com.ec, which includes mail.i2e.com.ec. I looked for issues related to SSL certificates on second level domains with Outlook, problems with sme server and Outlook, but everything pointed to having to erase and create all accounts manually again. Is there a way to solve this on the server?

Offline CharlieBrady

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Re: SSL commercial certificate and Outlook
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2015, 09:10:17 PM »
You'll need to provide more detail if you want people to help you. What is appearing in your logs? What does Outlook tell you when it fails to send mail?