Asterisk v1.8 Call Pop Up using pure PHP:
class AstMan {
var $socket;
var $error;
function AstMan()
$this->socket = FALSE;
$this->error = "";
function Login($host="localhost", $username="admin", $password="amp111"){
$this->socket = @fsockopen($host,"5038", $errno, $errstr, 1);
if (!$this->socket) {
$this->error = "Could not connect - $errstr ($errno)";
return FALSE;
stream_set_timeout($this->socket, 1);
$wrets = $this->Query("Action: Login\r\nUserName: $username\r\nSecret: $password\r\nEvents: off\r\n\r\n");
if (strpos($wrets, "Message: Authentication accepted") != FALSE){
return true;
$this->error = "Could not login - Authentication failed";
$this->socket = FALSE;
return FALSE;
function Logout(){
if ($this->socket){
fputs($this->socket, "Action: Logoff\r\n\r\n");
while (!feof($this->socket)) {
$wrets .= fread($this->socket, 8192);
$this->socket = "FALSE";
function Query($query){
$wrets = "";
if ($this->socket === FALSE)
return FALSE;
fputs($this->socket, $query);
$line = fgets($this->socket, 4096);
$wrets .= $line;
$info = stream_get_meta_data($this->socket);
}while ($line != "\r\n" && $info['timed_out'] == false );
return $wrets;
function GetError(){
return $this->error;
function GetDB($family, $key){
$value = "";
$wrets = $this->Query("Action: Command\r\nCommand: database get $family $key\r\n\r\n");
if ($wrets){
$value_start = strpos($wrets, "Value: ") + 7;
$value_stop = strpos($wrets, "\n", $value_start);
if ($value_start > 8){
$value = substr($wrets, $value_start, $value_stop - $value_start);
return $value;
function PutDB($family, $key, $value){
$wrets = $this->Query("Action: Command\r\nCommand: database put $family $key $value\r\n\r\n");
if (strpos($wrets, "Updated database successfully") != FALSE){
return TRUE;
$this->error = "Could not updated database";
return FALSE;
function DelDB($family, $key){
$wrets = $this->Query("Action: Command\r\nCommand: database del $family $key\r\n\r\n");
if (strpos($wrets, "Database entry removed.") != FALSE){
return TRUE;
$this->error = "Database entry does not exist";
return FALSE;
function GetFamilyDB($family){
$wrets = $this->Query("Action: Command\r\nCommand: database show $family\r\n\r\n");
if ($wrets){
$value_start = strpos($wrets, "Response: Follows\r\n") + 19;
$value_stop = strpos($wrets, "--END COMMAND--\r\n", $value_start);
if ($value_start > 18){
$wrets = substr($wrets, $value_start, $value_stop - $value_start);
$lines = explode("\n", $wrets);
foreach($lines as $line){
if (strlen($line) > 4){
$value_start = strpos($line, ": ") + 2;
$value_stop = strpos($line, " ", $value_start);
$key = trim(substr($line, strlen($family) + 2, strpos($line, " ") - strlen($family) + 2));
$value[$key] = trim(substr($line, $value_start));
return $value;
return FALSE;
// Author: Ap.Muthu
// Sponsor:
// Release Date: 2013-05-03
// Constants
// $astserver = ''; // for use on asterisk server
$astserver = '';
$astuser = 'admin';
$astpass = 'secret';
$extn = '201'; // come from parameter settings
$pcip = ''; // come from parameter settings
if ($argc <> 3) exit;
$extn = trim(' ' . $argv[1]);
$pcip = trim(' ' . $argv[2]);
// login to asterisk manager interface
include ("astman.php");
$astman = new AstMan();
//$astman->Login("", "admin", "planettel");
$astman->Login($astserver, $astuser, $astpass);
// extract the Caller ID if present and call number
// if call number is old exit
$callerid = '';
$rcvextn = '';
//get the caller id name already set for this call using the PHP Asterisk Manager
//first get a list of the active channels and return the first one that has a caller id value set.
$value = $astman->Query("Action: Command\r\nCommand: core show channels concise\r\n\r\n");
$chan_array = preg_split("/\n/",$value);
foreach($chan_array as $val)
$this_chan_array = explode("!",$val);
$value = $astman->Query("Action: Command\r\nCommand: core show channel $this_chan_array[0]\r\n\r\n");
$this_array = preg_split("/\n/",$value);
foreach($this_array as $val2)
if(strpos($val2,'Caller ID Name: ') !== false)
$callerid = trim(str_replace('Caller ID Name: ','',$val2));
if(strpos($val2,'Connected Line ID: ') !== false)
$rcvextn = trim(str_replace('Connected Line ID: ','',$val2));
if ($rcvextn == $extn) break;
else {$rcvextn = ''; $callerid = ''; }
//break out if the value is set.
if($callerid != '')
// build url with caller id
$url = "$callerid&AgentExtn=$extn&AgentPCIP=$pcip";
Usage from the client pc inside the php folder:
php parse_ast.php 201
Either a cron job in linux or directly from the dialplan in the asterisk server is also possible.