What was missing ?
Not a matter of missing, just not quite right.
We're already using the webhosting contrib.
Ibays generally work fine for us.
Except that the guy responsible for the network doesn't want "stray" services showing up (when our primary - but not only - use of ibays is for virtual web hosts.) Ergo, the requests to "turn off" SMB and FTP. Which can't be done at the service level, because we do offer both from SME, so it is only for select ibays where they need to be disabled.
And, as I am the one responsible for SME Server, I didn't want yet another contrib. (That's perhaps arbitrary, but I've wished for twenty years that contribs that have a "core" usefulness would more quickly find their way into core packages.)
So, in those terms - not wrong or inadequate, just not quite right. And to my last point above, SharedFolders overlaps the webhosting contrib as well as the stock ibay feature. Both contribs, along with the SCLs for PHP and MySQL, and probably others, should have (imho) long ago been made part of the stock ibay panel. Instead, there are at least six panels/contribs that overlap and provide "pieces" of what (again, imho) should be a single panel.
Completely aside, but I find, in this area, the Nethserver project does a much better job of absorbing and integrating community efforts; however, that's also the reason I find NS to be less coherent than SME. Nothing is absolutely free of cost or consequence
There is something to be said for and against the glacial advancement of SME, just as the more rapid advance of NS has its pros and cons. Maybe someday the two communities will get over their divide and focus on providing a single, better solution. (I think some personalities won't/don't favor that, though.)
Anyway, I thought I should give you a more thorough explanation vis-a-vis SharedFolders.