Hi to all
I allso have a problem and i will apreciate any help...
My Server: SME Server 9.2 and unfortunately with both Letsencrypt versions (smeserver-letsencrypt and the dehydrated manually) / all updates done.
Config file is API 2 (tried allso with "auto").
If i genarate under V2 a new domain, all is no problem after "dehydratet -c command" it works perfecty.
But if i add a new host-address in an old domain where (i think is an old V1 certificate) i get following error:
+ Requesting challenge for
+ Already validated!
+ Requesting challenge for newhost.mydomain.com...
+ ERROR: An error occurred while sending post-request to
https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/new-authz ( Status 403)
"type": "urn:acme:error:unauthorized",
"detail": "Error creating new authz :: Validations for new domains are disabled in the V1 API (
https://communi ty.letsencrypt.org/t/end-of-life-plan-for-acmev1/88430)",
"status": 403
in my case is that here the command to renew all certificates i have to V2 api? - im scared to do it :
config delprop modSSL crt
config delprop modSSL key
config delprop modSSL CertificateChainFile
Thank you in advance for any help