Please help i don' find anything that helps in the Doc's even after hours (stupid me).
I upgraded sme9.2 to sme10.1.
From my windows-client i can access the Servermanger via browser and i can access the ibays. I even found my MySQL -DB's after upgrading and i can access them on the SME-Server10.1 with MariaDB. So far so good.
What ist with PHP? I read that with SME10 php-fpm ist used instead php, means what? Have i to do anything? Must i install php or is it deliverd with SME10?
How do i start php on my windows-client browser? In SME9.2 i used
https://sme/phpmyadmin. How do i start it on SME10?
Sorry, a lot of the problems may be very clear to you but i am not a pro