Sorry but I only work with the server as a user now and then and I can find many different guides on the net.
If you are doing this you have become an administrator so you need to work on that.....
Koozali SME is very specific and though based on CentOS7, a lot of generic guides on the interwebs will not work properly. Be very careful.
So the complete procedure is something like this
You were told:
only thing is this how to works only for SME 9 contrary to what it states.
The wiki page specifically states:
install memcached for SME9 only
So the answer is no, that won't work correctly as it was not designed for systemd.
You will need a config entry to tell Koozali about the service, and a systemd unit file override to start it at the right time. can probably use the config line
config set memcached service status enabled TCPPort 11211 access local
But you will need something like:
mkdir -p /usr/lib/systemd/system/memcached.d
nano 50koozali.conf
Paste in the following and save
You want a post-upgrade/reboot.
Check it is running with:
systemctl status memcached
On my test I did a console-save and then start to get it running.
Then you will have to test with the version of PHP etc etc.
It seems to run on mine but YMMV and I have no experience of it.
I've added that to the wiki but you can update as required.
It looks like there is a rpm for acpu but no idea how it works (beware pecl installs - always try and use a rpm) you have a rocket chat account so please talk to us there if you want guidance and help doing this.