A weeks is long time, sometimes!
So this week we have been bashing and crashing and testing.
The old 90/10 rule applies. 90% of the work takes 10% of the time.... the other 10% takes forever!
We have got quite a few wrinkles ironed out.
Most of the basic services run - though the fixes we have applied on a running box need to be added to the gitea repo and the packages rebuilt in Koji - probably during this week.
Maria DB is going to take quite a bit of work
JP is looking at swapping out qmail for postfix which is a big one.
He may also swap out tinydns as well.
We have moved from radiusclient-ng to freeradius-client which still needs a lot of path corrections.
We have also used a different daemontools package and that moves items from /usr/local/.bin to /usr/bin.
It still needs a load of old PHP templates removed and we can see other errors in the logs that need attention, bugging, triaging, and fixing.
It all takes time!
Services I can see not running at the minute.
The whole installer will have to be hacked about - that's a job none of us are looking forward too
So we have made quite a bit of progress, logged loads of bugs and are moving forward.
Do please come and help..... just PM for details.