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Legacy Forums => Experienced User Forum => Topic started by: Aaron on May 12, 2003, 09:52:40 PM

Title: new users on upgraded 5.6u4 cant login w 2K, ok w 98
Post by: Aaron on May 12, 2003, 09:52:40 PM
I've upgraded a server from 512 to 5.6U4 (UDR) and am finding that any *new* user I create cannot login to the domain under Windows 2000 yet an existing user from the original 512 days can log in just fine from the same machine!

Dual-booting back to Windows 98 that same new 5.6U4 user can sign on to the domain just fine also!

The Workgroup was originally set with Roaming Profiles and I've toggled that back & forth and tested with no differences.

Back under Win2K, when I sign on using this new account and watch the switch & server there is definately communication going on btwn the two machines over this username & password for a second. I can find no warning or error in any log file file I have reviewed (/var/log, /var/log/samba).

Does anyone know of any other log file I can refer to or shed any light on this strange occurrence?