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Obsolete Releases => SME 7.x Contribs => Topic started by: sparticus on January 16, 2007, 06:28:56 AM

Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: sparticus on January 16, 2007, 06:28:56 AM
Yesterday everything got updated nicely with yum to 7.1 but for some reason today everything has gone up the wall when it comes to printing. Basically, none of the networked pc's show up the printers and i cant show up cups through the server-manager or directly through ip.
I tried uninstalling cups and then re-installing it again but the exactly same problem occured.
Anybody have any suggestions?
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: EdelingF on January 16, 2007, 10:05:58 AM
I did a update also from 7.0 to 7.1 and had no problem. Didn't you get any errors?
I'm not that experienced, but it looks like Samba is the problem.

Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: sparticus on January 16, 2007, 02:11:34 PM
Im not that experienced either so im not sure if Ive missed something, but I dont seem to be getting any errors myself. Thats the strange thing...
Any suggestions for any obvious places to look?
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: cactus on January 16, 2007, 04:30:10 PM
Quote from: "sparticus"
Im not that experienced either so im not sure if Ive missed something, but I dont seem to be getting any errors myself. Thats the strange thing...
Any suggestions for any obvious places to look?
Are you sure the upgrade did not (re-)install e-smith-LPRng, as this should be uninstalled for cups to run properly if I remember correctly.
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: sparticus on January 17, 2007, 12:18:20 AM
i checked that when i re-installed cups but it didnt re-install it.
Any other ideas?
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: jahlewis on January 17, 2007, 05:53:04 AM
Are you seeing anything in your log files that may give a clue to what is happening?
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: Robert on January 22, 2007, 11:15:33 PM
The installation instructions for CUPS on SME 7.0 do not work on SME 7.1 due to yum configuration changes. Apologies for not noticing this sooner. I hope to come up with a solution soonish.
Title: Fix for Cups on 7.1
Post by: sparticus on January 28, 2007, 01:16:06 PM
if you login via ssh and then do this on a clean install of 7.1 it will work with cups:

[root@hostname ~]# yum remove e-smith-LPRng

[root@hostname ~]# wget http://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/rvandenaker/testing/smeserver-cups/repositories/7.0/RPMS/noarch/smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm

[root@hostname ~]# yum localinstall smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm

[root@hostname ~]# /sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade

[root@hostname ~]# /sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot

Login to server manager and you can access the cups manager from there.

Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: TeNeCo on February 23, 2007, 02:03:09 PM
Hello Sparticus,

sorry, but another newbie here...

>Login to server manager and you can access the cups manager from there.

then I get:

The requested URL /server-manager//cgi-bin/printers was not found on this server.
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: gtob on March 03, 2007, 12:09:28 PM
>Login to server manager and you can access the cups manager from there.

then I get:

The requested URL /server-manager//cgi-bin/printers was not found on this server.
Me too - Sparticus please help
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: william_syd on March 03, 2007, 01:19:04 PM
This was with SME 7.1.1.

Code: [Select]
wget http://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/rvandenaker/testing/smeserver-cups/repositories/7.0/RPMS/noarch/smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm
Code: [Select]
yum localinstall smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm --enablerepo=*
Code: [Select]
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
Code: [Select]
db configuration setprop cupsd TCPPort 631 access public
Code: [Select]
signal-event remoteaccess-update
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: gtob on March 03, 2007, 03:33:56 PM
This did the trick - thanks  :D
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: cactus on March 04, 2007, 11:07:29 AM
Quote from: "william_syd"
Code: [Select]
yum localinstall smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm --enablerepo=*
Be aware that enabling all repositories is not advised, users could have all kind of repositories available if their system is not an out-of-the-box installation.
Quote from: "william_syd"
Code: [Select]
db configuration setprop cupsd TCPPort 631 access public
Do you really need the port to be public? IMHO private should also do (only for local networks and external networks defined in the remote access panel), setting to public would mean the port is opened for everyone on the external interface.
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: william_syd on March 04, 2007, 12:38:40 PM
Quote from: "cactus"
Quote from: "william_syd"
Code: [Select]
yum localinstall smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm --enablerepo=*
Be aware that enabling all repositories is not advised, users could have all kind of repositories available if their system is not an out-of-the-box installation.

I was lazy.
Quote from: "cactus"

Quote from: "william_syd"
Code: [Select]
db configuration setprop cupsd TCPPort 631 access public
Do you really need the port to be public? IMHO private should also do (only for local networks and external networks defined in the remote access panel), setting to public would mean the port is opened for everyone on the external interface.

I should have stated that I run SMEserver in server-only mode and as such access from the big bad internet is controlled by another box.

However, I would think that the rpm should be setting the TCPPort property.
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: gtob on March 06, 2007, 10:39:55 AM
Be aware that enabling all repositories is not advised, users could have all kind of repositories available if their system is not an out-of-the-box installation.

What repositorie should you use then?
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: william_syd on March 06, 2007, 10:48:23 AM
The standard ones...

Code: [Select]
yum localinstall smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm \
--disablerepo=* \
--enablerepo=base \
--enablerepo=updates \
--enablerepo=smeos \
--enablerepo=smeupdates \
Title: pdf for cups for sme7.1
Post by: allant on April 27, 2007, 10:17:27 AM
hi all,
would anyone please tell me how to install pdf for cups for sme7.1
I have installed cups via info here, but
yum localinstall cups-pdfdistiller
do not work ??

thanks in advance
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: swissis on May 14, 2007, 06:53:03 PM
Hi i managed to install cups but i can't print anything. Even the testpage from the webinterface doesn't work.

My printer goes online from powersave mode but thats all
Title: pdf writing for cups for sme7.1
Post by: allant on May 15, 2007, 01:19:25 PM
thanks ,
my cups is working, it just do not offer pdf writing to an ibay

I did the codes, and also for pdf distiller and get this , and pdf writing is still not available from the cups printer management. via sme server mananger

login as: root

[root@nxxx ~]# yum localinstall smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm  --disablerepo=*  --enablerepo=base  --enablerepo=updates  --enablerepo=smeos  --enablerepo=smeupdates  --enablerepo=smeaddons
WARNING: Additional commands may be required after running yum
Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
Loading "smeserver" plugin
Setting up Local Package Process
Examining smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm: smeserver-cups - 0.0.1-02.noarch
smeserver-cups-0.0.1-02.noarch.rpm: does not update installed package.
Nothing to do
No new rpms were installed. No additional commands are required.
[root@nxxx ~]# yum localinstall cups-pdfdistiller-20040616-01.noarch.rpm  --disablerepo=*  --enablerepo=base  --enablerepo=updates  --enablerepo=smeos  --enablerepo=smeupdates  --enablerepo=smeaddons
WARNING: Additional commands may be required after running yum
Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
Loading "smeserver" plugin
Setting up Local Package Process
Examining cups-pdfdistiller-20040616-01.noarch.rpm: cups-pdfdistiller - 20040616-01.noarch
cups-pdfdistiller-20040616-01.noarch.rpm: does not update installed package.
Nothing to do
No new rpms were installed. No additional commands are required.
[root@nxxx ~]#

should I try to add --force
so it be reinstall.

what would happen , would that crash the system ??

any suggestion is welcome,
thanks in advance
Title: cups with 7.1
Post by: irian on August 01, 2007, 02:19:12 PM
I have the same problem.
Can anyone give advice on how to get the pdf printing to work?
I have installed the dpf-distiller, but nothing shows up in the Cups iterface.