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Obsolete Releases => SME 9.x Contribs => Topic started by: Parsival1973 on January 17, 2018, 07:14:59 PM
Has anyone got teamspeak running on their server. The contrib seems to be for an older version of the server running 32bit. I am currently on 9.2 64bit and while I have gotten it to install I am unable to login in any capacity (admin or through client connections)
If anyone has any advice I would appreciate it.
Thank you.
Don't have it myself but some stuff to check.
Looks like the rpm is 'noarch' so should run on 32 ir 64 bit.
If it isn't working there must be some errors somewhere.
config show teamspeak
Try restarting the service and check the logs
service teamspeak restart
Look at
What url did you try to access the server with?
B. Rgds
Config reads
In order for it to run at all I found I had to install 32bit package libstdc++.i686 otherwise I get and error that /lib/ld-linux.so.2: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory when trying to start service.
now it loads and I can get to the home administration page and status viewing page but when I try to log in it just sits there until it times out.
In my case the link is http://www.ourfamilyslife.com:14534/ for administrative
Don't have it myself but some stuff to check.
Looks like the rpm is 'noarch' so should run on 32 ir 64 bit.
If it isn't working there must be some errors somewhere.
config show teamspeak
Try restarting the service and check the logs
service teamspeak restart
Look at
What url did you try to access the server with?
B. Rgds
Ok, then the package needs a rebuild at some point. You should open a bug on it.
Access. What do the logs say?
Wiki mentions
"You will need admin and superadmin passwords which can be retrieved by typing this command at a linux-prompt"
service teamspeak passwords
Are both set?
Also see the Note
"To connect with superadmin you have to go to slogin.html not login.html"
So try
Also try the local IP. And check all your logs.
There is one other possibility... some of the authent system was changed a while back which affected some contribs (gutweb was one) and I'm wondering if this could be the case here. Logs should give some clues.
All I found in the logs related to teamspeak is
Jan 17 17:41:16 excalibur su: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user teamspeak by root(uid=0)
Jan 17 17:41:17 excalibur su: pam_unix(su:session): session closed for user teamspeak
Yes the passwords are set. I got the passwords and the main admin login page contains a link to the superadmin page which does take you there. I get the same response on that page as well...
I am not sure what rebuild entails but I would note that they have released a 32 and 64 bit version of a newer version (version 3).
I have also tried logging into either admin or superadmin pages using local ip addresses but it does the same...
All I found in the logs related to teamspeak is
Jan 17 17:41:16 excalibur su: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user teamspeak by root(uid=0)
Jan 17 17:41:17 excalibur su: pam_unix(su:session): session closed for user teamspeak
Yes the passwords are set. I got the passwords and the main admin login page contains a link to the superadmin page which does take you there. I get the same response on that page as well...
Ah OK. Couple of things. If you used the rpm from the link on the wiki page then that is probably:
Check with rpm -qa |grep team
That is very old and clearly won't work on v9
I can see there is one in smecontribs for v8 which is v3.1 but that is not available anymore. We ought to look at rebuilding it for v9.
Please raise a bug. e.g. "Import Team Speak Server to v9"
and then select smeserver-teamspeak-server
I am not sure what rebuild entails but I would note that they have released a 32 and 64 bit version of a newer version (version 3).
I think this may be resolved if the contrib is imported to v9 and rebuilt.
The version in smecontribs does not include the actual teamspeak server files as there are copyright issues - see here:
Note this bug https://bugs.contribs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7728
The code in the sme v8 contrib is just configuration templates and would work on either 32 or 64 bit (noarch)
Either way, we need to have a closer look and that is best done via the bug tracker.
Now I need some clarification. You are correct about the use of the rpm from the wiki page but if it does not include the actual teamspeak server files how does it in fact work?
Now I need some clarification. You are correct about the use of the rpm from the wiki page but if it does not include the actual teamspeak server files how does it in fact work?
The version you have probably did. I suspect it used to be totally open source, got popular, then re licenced as free for personal use only.
We probably aren't allowed to redistribute in a rpm.
So the new contrib probably needs an 'acceptance' type thing to allow it to pull the source on install.
The version you have is out of date, both the contrib and teamspeak server, and the only answer is an updated contrib.
Thank you. I have submitted a bug/request.
Thank you. I have submitted a bug/request.
Thank you. Someone will take a look at it
the only version of teamspeak available currently is teamspeak 3: https://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads
which require registering before using to the TeamSpeak 3 ATHP License and its 50$ fee
which then require a monthly subscription unless you are eligible for free subscription : https://sales.teamspeakusa.com/pricing.php
however with this build : see bug https://bugs.contribs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10494
and info from there http://help.tcadmin.com/Teamspeak_Server_Configuration
you might be able to test and try to fix if something is broken. I do not have any license and do not want to pay for one.
That is not quite accurate. You can download and use their software unlicensed for non-profit for free. on your own server hardware. The ATHP is Authorized Team Speak Host Provider which is where you would rent a hosting server.
Unlicensed / Non-Profit License (NPL) as per http://www.teamspeak.com/en/pricing.html
The free version for hosting yourself is downloadable from here
There is no registration fee for this.
the only version of teamspeak available currently is teamspeak 3: https://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads
which require registering before using to the TeamSpeak 3 ATHP License and its 50$ fee
which then require a monthly subscription unless you are eligible for free subscription : https://sales.teamspeakusa.com/pricing.php
however with this build : see bug https://bugs.contribs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10494
and info from there http://help.tcadmin.com/Teamspeak_Server_Configuration
you might be able to test and try to fix if something is broken. I do not have any license and do not want to pay for one.
That is not quite accurate. You can download and use their software unlicensed for non-profit for free. on your own server hardware. The ATHP is Authorized Team Speak Host Provider which is where you would rent a hosting server.
Unlicensed / Non-Profit License (NPL) as per http://www.teamspeak.com/en/pricing.html
The free version for hosting yourself is downloadable from here
There is no registration fee for this.
Ok then give a go to the new build and report in the bug
I have posted how far I have gotten with the update in the bug report.
I also did some searching on the net and I wonder if this would provide any sort of assistance.
Keep any relevant info in the bug. Easier to track what is happening.