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Contribs.org Forums => Koozali SME Server 10.x Contribs => Topic started by: RDMidtun on August 01, 2021, 07:19:15 PM

Title: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: RDMidtun on August 01, 2021, 07:19:15 PM
I succesfully managed to install the smeserver-ddclient contrib and see that I have a new server-manager panel. I am using the dyndns service. I fail to see how I configure the ddclient with a login, password, wildcard etc. This info is not reflected in the panel.
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 01, 2021, 11:12:34 PM
Click on modify in the lower sectional table, "Current list of virtual domains" a form is displayed to set details..
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 02, 2021, 09:00:29 AM
and just checking the contrib, some testing to do as its not playing the game ...might be a bug..go ahead and have a go if you have an issue raise a bug
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: ReetP on August 02, 2021, 10:54:37 AM
Oracle have EOL'd the service.

Find a new provider.

Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: RDMidtun on August 02, 2021, 07:12:43 PM
Click on modify in the lower sectional table, "Current list of virtual domains" a form is displayed to set details..

Thanks a lot, I managed to find it. It is now configure with server, protocol, login etc. After signal-event smeserver-ddclient-update I see the /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf is correctly updated. The next question is, how do I know it is working, is there a log file somewhere? The ip has not changed lately so it is hard to figure out without checking a log file or maybe executing the it manually.
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 02, 2021, 09:51:40 PM
Logs yes, but definitively? cycle the modem/router and get a new ip then wait and see if dyn is updated..my dynamic dns section in my modem is doing my main domain fine, I have another couple that I had ddclient doing and they look to be problamatic..more testing needed...
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: ReetP on August 02, 2021, 11:20:57 PM
Oracle have EOL'd the service.

Hmmm. Still there. As far as I was aware they were going to close it!!
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: RDMidtun on August 03, 2021, 08:33:46 PM
I hoped to fix the problem by manually changing owner ship and permissions of the ddclient.conf, but it did not help. It looks like this:

Code: [Select]
[root@e-smith ddclient]# ls -al /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
-rw------- 1 ddclient ddclient 927 Aug  2 14:55 /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
[root@e-smith ddclient]# more /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf
# Manual changes will be lost when this file is regenerated.
# Please read the developer's guide, which is available
# at http://www.contribs.org/development/
# Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Mitel Networks Corporation
daemon=300                                    # check every 300 seconds
syslog=yes                                      # log update msgs to syslog
mail=admin                                      # mail update msgs to admin
pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid                      # record PID in file.
use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.org/, web-skip='IP Address:'

## CUSTOMDNS PROVIDER dynamic addresses
server=members.dyndns.org, \
protocol=dyndns2, \
login=rmidtun, \
password=xxxxxxxx \

Any idea on how to further troubleshoot this?
I see no traces of activity in the messages log file or in the /var/cache/ddclient folder. I tried a manual start with debug enabled and it looks like it is not picking up any config info, see below:

Code: [Select]
[root@e-smith ddclient]# sudo -u ddclient /usr/sbin/ddclient -daemon=0 -noquiet -debug -verbose
=== opt ====
opt{cache}                           : <undefined>
opt{cmd}                             : <undefined>
opt{cmd-skip}                        : <undefined>
opt{daemon}                          : 0
opt{debug}                           : 1
opt{exec}                            : <undefined>
opt{facility}                        : <undefined>
opt{file}                            : <undefined>
opt{force}                           : <undefined>
opt{foreground}                      : <undefined>
opt{fw}                              : <undefined>
opt{fw-banlocal}                     : <undefined>
opt{fw-login}                        : <undefined>
opt{fw-password}                     : <undefined>
opt{fw-skip}                         : <undefined>
opt{geturl}                          : <undefined>
opt{help}                            : <undefined>
opt{host}                            : <undefined>
opt{if}                              : <undefined>
opt{if-skip}                         : <undefined>
opt{ip}                              : <undefined>
opt{ipv6}                            : <undefined>
opt{login}                           : <undefined>
opt{mail}                            : <undefined>
opt{mail-failure}                    : <undefined>
opt{max-interval}                    : 2160000
opt{min-error-interval}              : 300
opt{min-interval}                    : 30
opt{options}                         : <undefined>
opt{password}                        : <undefined>
opt{pid}                             : <undefined>
opt{postscript}                      : <undefined>
opt{priority}                        : <undefined>
opt{protocol}                        : <undefined>
opt{proxy}                           : <undefined>
opt{query}                           : <undefined>
opt{quiet}                           : 0
opt{retry}                           : <undefined>
opt{server}                          : <undefined>
opt{ssl}                             : <undefined>
opt{syslog}                          : <undefined>
opt{test}                            : <undefined>
opt{timeout}                         : <undefined>
opt{use}                             : <undefined>
opt{verbose}                         : 1
opt{web}                             : <undefined>
opt{web-skip}                        : <undefined>
=== globals ====
globals{daemon}                      : 60
globals{debug}                       : 1
globals{mail-failure}                : root
globals{pid}                         : /var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid
globals{quiet}                       : 0
globals{ssl}                         : 1
globals{syslog}                      : 1
globals{verbose}                     : 1
=== config ====
=== cache ====
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: ReetP on August 03, 2021, 11:45:24 PM
I hoped to fix the problem by manually changing owner ship and permissions of the ddclient.conf, but it did not help.

Don't do that - the template will perms will be set correctly, and will likely get reset on change.

Try and check /var/log/messages

Code: [Select]
grep ddclient /var/log/messages*
(there is probably some journalctl query to do it)
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 04, 2021, 03:56:15 AM
I hoped to fix the problem by manually changing owner ship and permissions of the ddclient.conf, but it did not help. It looks like this:

No, not the sme way, see ReetP above,

heres a line from my message log, one of many

[root@fagehome ~]# grep ddclient /var/log/messages*
/var/log/messages.20210801011203:Aug  2 22:39:53 fagehome /sbin/e-smith/db[18914]: /home/e-smith/db/configuration: NEW ddclient=service|DeamonUpdate|3600|Extinterface||ForceIP||SSL|yes|cmd||method|web|status|enabled|urlcheckip|http://checkip.dyndns.com/
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: ReetP on August 04, 2021, 04:09:05 PM
heres a line from my message log, one of many

Nothing else Terry?

Could have sworn it logged more on connect?


-{no}syslog    log messages to syslog (default: nosyslog).

-priority {pri}    log messages to syslog with priority {pri} (default: notice).

Wonder if it's logging incorrectly?
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 04, 2021, 04:25:01 PM
Nothing else Terry?

Lots more in message.log

Wonder if it's logging incorrectly?

It needs investigating its not doing its job, been sidtracked with the ftp stuff, thats now done so back to ddclient, especially as I rely on it :-)
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: RDMidtun on August 04, 2021, 06:52:35 PM
Don't do that - the template will perms will be set correctly, and will likely get reset on change.

Yes, I know this is not the sme way. It was done as a temporar fix to see if this permission problem already reported in a bug also was causing the problems I saw. But, fixing this, did not fix my problem. I have done an investigation of the ddclient messages in /var/log/messages and all these are related to the events caused by configuring the ddclient using the sme-server panel. There is no messages from the running daemon and the /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache file is empty. And when calling the ddclient manually using the -debug flag, it is reported that the config parameters is not set as shown in my previous post.

So my conclusion is, this is not the same bug as already reported. I guess I need to file a bug report to get somebody to look into it?
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: RDMidtun on August 04, 2021, 07:15:26 PM
I think I found the problem. The default location for the config file is /etc/ddclient.conf. The ddclient server panel updates the /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf file. The service is probably not configured to pick up the config file at a diffrent location than the default. The file in the default location /etc/ddclient.conf is an example file with no server, login, passwd etc. Since the server is not defined the daemon can not do anything.

The conclusion is either to make the ddclient server panel updating the file in the default location or to edit the service to pick up the file being a result of the configuration process.

When starting the ddclient manually pointing to the correct config file it works.
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 05, 2021, 12:20:08 AM
I think I found the problem. The default location for the config file is /etc/ddclient.conf. The ddclient server panel updates the /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf file. The service is probably not configured to pick up the config file at a diffrent location than the default. The file in the default location /etc/ddclient.conf is an example file with no server, login, passwd etc. Since the server is not defined the daemon can not do anything.

The conclusion is either to make the ddclient server panel updating the file in the default location or to edit the service to pick up the file being a result of the configuration process.

When starting the ddclient manually pointing to the correct config file it works.

Good job :-) yes please raise a Bug so this can be fixed...and a new package built
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 05, 2021, 01:03:40 AM
systemd file


Description=A Perl Client Used To Update Dynamic DNS
After=syslog.target network-online.target nss-lookup.target

ExecStartPre=/bin/touch /var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ddclient -file /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf -debug -verbose -noquiet -syslog


some work needed, enviro file ?
ExecStart looks right as far as location, need to check etc
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: RDMidtun on August 05, 2021, 09:06:04 AM
Bug reported: https://bugs.koozali.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11667 (https://bugs.koozali.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11667)
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: ReetP on August 05, 2021, 10:39:08 AM
Terry, whats in the env file?
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 05, 2021, 01:06:56 PM
OK, ddclient working as it should, issue, permissions and ownership of /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf is root on install needs to be ddclient, well thats what I have changed it to and its doing its thing, the conf is now being used 🙂 dns is updateing and checking as expected..

Heres log entry
Aug  5 20:26:33 fagehome ddclient[3637]: CONNECT:  bot.whatismyipaddress.com
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: CONNECTED:  using HTTP
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: SENDING:  GET / HTTP/1.0
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: SENDING:   Host: bot.whatismyipaddress.com
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: SENDING:   User-Agent: ddclient/3.9.1
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: SENDING:   Connection: close
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: SENDING:   
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: SENDING:   
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:  HTTP/1.1 200 OK#015
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:  Cache-Control: private#015
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:  Content-Type: text/html#015
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:  Server: #015
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:  Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2021 10:26:35 GMT#015
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:  Connection: close#015
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:  Content-Length: 13#015
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:  #015
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: RECEIVE:
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: SUCCESS:  tfage.dyndns.org: skipped: IP address was already set to
Aug  5 20:26:34 fagehome ddclient[3637]: SUCCESS:  tfage.homeip.net: skipped: IP address was already set to

Environment file
#                                                                     -*- sh -*-
# ddclient service options, see ddclient --help for what's available.
DDCLIENT_OPTIONS="-daemon 300"

added log etc to Bug
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: ReetP on August 05, 2021, 02:12:18 PM
I'll patch that up and fix the post-upgrade issue too.

Leave it with me.
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: RDMidtun on August 05, 2021, 10:40:16 PM
I'll patch that up and fix the post-upgrade issue too.

Leave it with me.

Just a heads up. I manually fixed the service to start with the correct config file (because I am dependent on this working). And I now see that it is doing it's job. But, I see these warnings in the log file:

Code: [Select]
Aug  5 16:39:08 e-smith ddclient[25408]: WARNING:  Cannot create file '/var/run/ddclient.pid'. (Permission denied)
, pointing in the direction that there is also a owner/permission problem with the /var/run/ddclient.pid file as well. So, if you are looking into fixing the bug, have a look at this issue as well.
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 06, 2021, 01:04:21 AM
Just a heads up. I manually fixed the service to start with the correct config file (because I am dependent on this working). And I now see that it is doing it's job. But, I see these warnings in the log file:

So using /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf  user ddclient 0644

Code: [Select]
Aug  5 16:39:08 e-smith ddclient[25408]: WARNING:  Cannot create file '/var/run/ddclient.pid'. (Permission denied)

on my reinstalled and then owner/perms reset for the conf not seeing that error

/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid  ddclient  0655

All clear
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: RDMidtun on August 06, 2021, 07:53:42 AM
So using /etc/ddclient/ddclient.conf  user ddclient 0644

on my reinstalled and then owner/perms reset for the conf not seeing that error

/var/run/ddclient/ddclient.pid  ddclient  0655

All clear

Ok, all good! Could be caused by me running it manually as root at one stage as a part of the troubleshooting.
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on August 06, 2021, 10:06:00 AM
Title: Re: Configuration of the login,passwd for the smeserver-ddclient
Post by: TerryF on January 15, 2022, 12:23:35 AM
For those using the ddclient contrib a updated package is in /smetest soon to be updates-testing and then released, a number of issues now resolved..well worth updating to the devel version as it is doing a far better job than current version...