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Contribs.org Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mattj on October 06, 2021, 12:44:34 PM

Title: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: Mattj on October 06, 2021, 12:44:34 PM

I'm currently trying to migrate our SME 9 server to SME 10, and read that the best way to do this is to restore a backup from SME 9 to 10.

for past upgrades we used to use AFFA, but again read that isn't supported anymore so haven't ventured down that avenue yet.

anyway, i have done a local backup to a External USB Drive a 2TB SSD. The backup completed successfully.

i then logged onto the SME 10 server and connected the External Drive at startup, when prompted to restore from a backup i select Yes, then i get an error saying that "No valid backup device found, please try again" although it lists the external backup drive above it as a potential backup drive?

am i missing something super simple?

if anyone has any ideas on how i can get the backup on to the SME 10 or any other alternative to upgrading our SME 9 machine to SME 10, i'd be happy to give them a try.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 06, 2021, 01:42:49 PM
What was the format of the external drive?

There will be a abbreviation at end of line displaying the drive that is not accepted eg FS denotes file sytem is the issue.

Usually offer the backup during the sme10 install at the first reboot, the question is asked, do you want to restore from backup.

and just confirm the backup was done from the console.
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 06, 2021, 01:47:29 PM
and just adding there is a sme10 affa contrib in testing..can confirm have done a test backup of a sme9 vm to a sme10 with affa and then did a rise of the sme10 server, it went well, but we doing more validation etc..
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: Mattj on October 06, 2021, 01:51:22 PM
Hi Terry,

oh great, let me know how the affa testing goes, as we would prefer to use this method too, as we have had success with that in the past.

the file system is EXT3, and i did indeed do the backup via the console.

there are no abbreviations that i can see from the error as its the on screen gui for the restore option, it only states that no valid backup device found.

i will do another backup on the SME 9 and try again.

thanks for your response
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 06, 2021, 01:55:10 PM
no worries, ext3, should have been a winner, so its finding thed rive but not seeing the backup? odd..

silly question :-) is there a backup on the drive?
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: Mattj on October 06, 2021, 01:58:12 PM
silly questions always welcome.

im sure there is a backup on the drive as i had a confirmation email once complete. either way im going to re-run one now to be 150% sure.

its sounding like i have done something daft and it should just work the same way a restore to sme 9 should.

i'll get back with an update soon.

Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 06, 2021, 02:03:49 PM
SME10 console restore option should pop the form

Do you wish to restore from Backup?
Insert removable media before proceding
yad yada

Yes   No

Insert media press Yes and should then get the attached window image
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 06, 2021, 02:05:10 PM
and the one I should have uploaded
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: Mattj on October 06, 2021, 02:35:20 PM
this is what im getting at the moment.
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 06, 2021, 02:44:16 PM
If you were prepared to try the sme10 affa contrib and accept you may just burn tghe sme install :-) its all in the repos..

This is the controlling Bug https://bugs.koozali.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11024#c11

Also take not of warnings re templates etc in the sme 10 forum

Wiki has had some updates https://wiki.koozali.org/Affa

Welcome to try it - as long as its understood still under test and nit fully released as yet
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 06, 2021, 02:48:29 PM
this is what im getting at the moment.

So its not seeing those as removeable drives, hence the messge, just looking back at past stuff, there is a commd on the cli that will list the drives and whether system sees them as removebale or not, need to shuffle thru some notes
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 06, 2021, 10:14:18 PM
Slept on it :-)

OK, you can run this from a terminal with your USB or any external/inetrnal and see how the sytem treats it, this is my VM with two USBs plugged in, important is the the third column displayed in the default lsblk output is RM: by looking at this column we can see if the device is removable (the value would be 1), or 0 for not. In the output below, you can see the USBs I have plugged in, all are marked as removable, sr0 is an optical drive with the sme10 ISO.

[root@sme10min ~]# lsblk
sda             8:0    0   15G  0 disk
├─sda1          8:1    0  500M  0 part /boot
└─sda2          8:2    0 14.5G  0 part
  ├─main-root 253:0    0   13G  0 lvm  /
  └─main-swap 253:1    0  1.5G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
sdb             8:16   1  7.2G  0 disk
└─sdb1          8:17   1  7.2G  0 part
sdc             8:32   1  3.8G  0 disk
└─sdc1          8:33   1  3.8G  0 part
sr0            11:0    1  1.5G  0 rom

The console backup routines use this info
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: Mattj on October 07, 2021, 09:38:45 AM
Hi Terry,

i ran lsblk and i can see my external drive as sdd1, this has a 0 next to the column you referred to as the column that identifies if its removable or not.

i guess this is my problem, thank you i will now investigate how to identify this as a removable drive.

Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: ReetP on October 07, 2021, 12:00:09 PM
Just a FYI.

Affa for v10 is in the development repos. It needs help testing as it can't test itself, and I can't fix things that are broken if I don't know what they are.....

So if you want it released then please help test - and that means using test machines, not real production machines.

Note however it has NO guarantee of being able to be used for upgrades. It is only really designed to do v10-v10 (and previously on v9-v9)

Some seem to have used it, but YMMV. Not something to be undertaken unless you absolutely know what you are doing.

I would be happy to do some more work on it, but it needs people to use it and tell me what breaks and what needs fixing.

So the ball is in your court.

Also, note that none of the devs get paid - we do this because we like it. But donations to help keep the lights on is always welcome.

Businesses can claim it as an expense................

Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 07, 2021, 01:25:55 PM
Hi Terry,

i ran lsblk and i can see my external drive as sdd1, this has a 0 next to the column you referred to as the column that identifies if its removable or not.

i guess this is my problem, thank you i will now investigate how to identify this as a removable drive.

Yep, its is the issue, in times past it was found some barnds of USB drives  flash and spinning were seen as non removable..not a lot can do abou it..
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 07, 2021, 01:47:26 PM
You could do the backup using workstation backup. it uses a different method for identifying the drives..

on sme9 Do a Configure workstataion Backup - to a removable drive - then on sme10 restore from workstation -
 removable drive, a little more work but should be fine

Also slower, to backup and then restore
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: Jean-Philippe Pialasse on October 07, 2021, 09:50:55 PM
i would not suggest affa, i would rather suggest to use another drive.  alternatively this would need a bug if none exist to force to explore thoses drives ignoring the removable flag as it is not to be trusted. 

removable does not mean usb, a sata could be removable.  and hence one drive connected as sata could have the flag because it is hotswap and because the usb driver is not well maintained the disk is recognized as not removable and will not display there. 
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: Mattj on October 08, 2021, 10:53:56 AM

Good news, i have managed to get the back up restoring to the SME 10 machine now,

i am using a USB 2.5" caddy with a 2TB SSD attached.

as the file system could see the drive i decided to create a mount point for the drive and modify the fstab to match the drive and be able to view it that way.

i then went into the server console and configured the workstation backup so that i knew for sure that the drive was visible as a backup device.

this would then allow me to restore from workstation and its currently restoring as i type.

Appreciate everyones input and advice here. will post again if i encounter any odd errors

Thank you  :-)
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: TerryF on October 09, 2021, 10:38:42 AM
Winners are griiners mate...when you get to that nice blinking prompt in a termional window after a restore and then reconfig/reboot, break out the champers :-)
Title: Re: Restoring a SME 9 Backup to a Clean SME 10 Install
Post by: Jean-Philippe Pialasse on October 09, 2021, 03:31:38 PM
workaround using workstation backup as usb. good job

still need a bug to allow to search on all drives for backup to restore.