Koozali.org: home of the SME Server

$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install


$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install
« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2005, 01:42:28 AM »
I live in Alaska and the box I am going to use was in the truck last night, so it's thawing out. :)

LOL  :lol:

You need yours to warm up and i need mine to cool down!


Offline rexgaylord

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« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2005, 08:16:45 PM »
Quote from: "djhomeless"
Looking through the site and the forum's, it seems that most of the push is coming from the community and not from Lycoris. Granted I'm new to the community so I could be wrong.

I thought Lycoris abandoned SME/contribs.  Are they still involved in something here?


$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install
« Reply #32 on: January 29, 2005, 10:39:09 PM »
Hey Rex,

I think they graciously host the site for the project. Other than that I am not sure what their role is.


Offline ReetP

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« Reply #33 on: February 01, 2005, 02:46:12 PM »
Would like to try and assist on this one as well as I could really do with this working :-) Not interested in the money. Just like to help.

Couple of years experience with SME and a few spare boxes at home to play with.

'Does open-xchange use postgressql rather than mysql that e-smith uses? What are the problems that we are likely to run into if this is the case?'

Had a RTF FAQ and it appears that you can use other SMTP / webmail / database servers. Not too sure about integration though.


Wondering about the earlier comments on ADMIN ? Anyone care to expand ?

Anyone got some 'first steps' or is it a case of all leap in, have a go and report back ? Anyway this can be structured a bit more ? Mailing list ?

B. Rgds
1. Read the Manual
2. Read the Wiki
3. Don't ask for support on Unsupported versions of software
4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

Bugs are easier than you think: http://wiki.contribs.org/Bugzilla_Help

If you love SME and don't want to lose it, join in: http://wiki.contribs.org/Koozali_Foundation


$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2005, 07:56:03 PM »
IMHO the best course is to try the OX install on Fedora Core 1 following the howtos on the OX site.

I managed to do this, but I'm not good enough to get it working on SME.

You need a lot of perl modules, working JAVA SKD, other JAVA modules, TOMCAT and Postgres.

Then you will need to see how the actions wehich you performed on FC1 can be tranfered to SME - which is a Redhat 7.3 base.

I really think that SME plus OX is the killer OS for small and medium business.

I'd love to see it working, but I dont have the skills.

I'd be happy to assist with anything that I can do.


Offline ReetP

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« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2005, 01:01:09 AM »
Have to agree that an exchange replacement is THE app, server side.

I have a desperate need for something so that Outlook users (who can't or won't be moved) can share contacts / calendering plus I can keep their mail easily in one place for backups et al.

It needs it to ease the shift from the Windows/Exchange duo.

I want to run linux servers, and do, but  I believe that this is the bit that gets you into a much wider audience.

I shall go have a play.

Look forward to seeing anyone elses results.........
1. Read the Manual
2. Read the Wiki
3. Don't ask for support on Unsupported versions of software
4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

Bugs are easier than you think: http://wiki.contribs.org/Bugzilla_Help

If you love SME and don't want to lose it, join in: http://wiki.contribs.org/Koozali_Foundation


$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2005, 01:06:57 AM »
Quote from: "Jon_Reynolds"
Hey Rex,

I think they (Lycoris) graciously host the site for the project. Other than that I am not sure what their role is.



To be accurate, Lycoris is no longer involved with contribs.org or the SME Server in any way.

The site is hosted by Resource Strategies, as it says in the footer.


Offline gregswallow

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« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2005, 01:33:23 AM »
I'll help get you guys started.  I looked at this for a little while, but don't really have time right now - but I got a start on it - I put up a wiki page here (edited) http://no.longer.valid/phpwiki/index.php/Open-Xchange - based on the howto at: http://sietse.net/exoops/modules/OpenXchange/ .  I had started to find download links for redhat 7.3 compatible stuff, etc, but never actually started installing it on SME.

I'd suggest anyone that is working on it collaborates on that page, since no one seems to want to claim the cash :-P

tbcomputing, there are rpms of nearly every perl module here: http://rpmpan.sourceforge.net/ - it is a well hidden gem ;-)  Most of the java stuff is at www.jpackage.org


$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2005, 11:13:16 AM »
Hi Greg

Thx for the links and encouragement.

The Wiki you put up currently shows a blank page - I,ll try later.

To the other followers of this thread.

For those looking for a server side app to work with outlook, you should look carefully at the threads re outlook on the OX forums.

There is an explicit remark that an outlook to OX interface will  NOT be open source.



Offline ReetP

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« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2005, 01:37:26 PM »
Link should be :


Have added a page :


Sussed out the Wiki thing anyway :-)

Yes, the connector is not open source. Personally I don't mind (well, the client actually) paying for a connector.

There is an OS project underway - no idea if this would be relevant ?


Can we get a central repository for files ? Perhaps a Open-Xchange contribs folder ? If so, how do we get one ?

B. Rgds
John Crisp
1. Read the Manual
2. Read the Wiki
3. Don't ask for support on Unsupported versions of software
4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

Bugs are easier than you think: http://wiki.contribs.org/Bugzilla_Help

If you love SME and don't want to lose it, join in: http://wiki.contribs.org/Koozali_Foundation


$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2005, 03:40:44 PM »
Has anyone given this a go yet? I'm going to try and put together a SME Vmware image over the weekend and try to hack my way through some of the steps.

Thanks again to Greg for putting together the page. I suppose if it works I should donate my $80 to the 'buy drinks for Greg fund'. :)


Offline jfarschman

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« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2005, 01:28:04 AM »
$500 total.

If my math is correct... that means I'm adding $170. :-D  And I sincerely hope someone comes up with a solution.
Jay Farschman
ICQ - 60448985


$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2005, 10:43:21 AM »
Hello Campers!

Well, after some four day's of work I've got a rudimentary installation of O-X working on a 6.0.1-01 server.

Now, before you all get terribly excited it's important to realize that the installation procedure I have developed is really dirty - not at all the kind of thing that one would entrust to a working server.  However, I get the O-X logon screen - a step in the right direction at least.  Over the next couple of days I'll be looking at the configuration side of things to get things working as opposed to just sitting there presenting a logon screen!

Normally I would simply publish such work and let folk do what they want to do with it.  However, judging from the correspondance concerning O-X in these fora, I think that a more structured approach would yield best results.

In the first instance I think that an experienced e-smith developer should have a look at what I've done because there are places where I've removed e-smith distribution RPMs and replaced the code with the results of 'make install' steps. While (possibly) not breaking any integrities, it would be far better if new RPMs were developed so that the installation of O-X could be reversed.

Secondly, there's so much code that needs to be downloaded and shoe-horned into the system that it would be better if the collection were made once and then put together into an FTP site easily available to users of SME-server.  By this means the natural development of component parts would not have any effect on this installation unless the installer particularly wished to try new, updated components.

Finally, I guess that a 'proper' installation of O-X would become a popular add-on to SME server and so it would benefit everyone if the SME developers had a full say on how the O-X install is presented.

So, with these thoughts in mind, any volunteers to do some testing??  If so, I'll clean up my installtion script and send it to volunteers.  I'm sure that some targetted input can quickly get this rather inexpertly written script transformed to something useful in a matter of a couple of weeks.

In the meantime I'm going to apply my newly developed script to a newly loaded 6.0.1-01 server and iron out any faults that I've introduced during the experimental build process.  I guess this will take a day or so and so I estimate that the first 'working' version of the script will be available for test volunteers by Monday 21 February, 2005



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« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2005, 12:09:13 PM »
Hello dave_d,

I'm really looking forward to help test this one ... I don't know anything about scripts etc but I have a few machines available to my disposal to test it in a work type environment ... although it will take some time as it is at work I'll be testing.

I am trying to impliment the best type of e-mail system at work right now and have been waiting for somehting like this for ages.

I've been playing with SME for some time now so I'm getting better with it. Helps when you have a few test machines at your disposal.

Any idea how differnet it would be on the new SME 6.5 beta2 setup? ... I might try it out on that as well and see if I can break it.

Let me know when you have the scripts ready and I'll prepare the machines :)




$80 USD via Paypal for Open-Xchange install
« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2005, 02:52:13 PM »
I'd be happy to test it. Was about to have a crack at it myself before I noticed this thread. The HOWTO looked rather long, so I was going to leave it for a weekend.