dungog.net has a SME 7.0 package called smeserver-awstats. It integrates awstats into server-manager. It can be installed with yum if you have the dungog repository added:
http://www.dungog.net/sme/repo.phpRun at least this part (the other part is for dungog's paying customers):
SME 7.0
1. From the command line enter the following, (or copy and paste into your ssh client)
db yum_repositories set dungog repository \
http://sme.dungog.net/packages/smeserver/7.0/i386/dungog/ \
EnableGroups yes \
GPGCheck no \
Name 'SME Server 7 - dungog' \
Visible yes \
status enabled
<edited to install the right awstats rpm, don't get one from the awstats website>You will need to obtain and install awstats RPM from:
http://dag.wieers.com/packages/awstats/tested with awstats-6.5-1.2.el4.rf.noarch.rpm
You should be able to install with:
yum localinstall awstats-6.5-1.2.el4.rf.noarch.rpm
(or whatever the latest version number RPM is.)
yum install smeserver-awstats
Wait 5 minutes then check for a "web statistics" link in server-manager. It will automagically populate with all your domains.