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Another possible way of reducing downtime during a new install

Offline sages

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Another possible way of reducing downtime during a new install
« on: September 01, 2021, 08:35:01 AM »
Just been looking at some changes to my production server and was considering ways of reducing the downtime.
It does depend upon the adapter used but it is possible to do an install of sme10 to a usb drive connected to a vm. I use proxmox so have no info on other options.
I created a vm on proxmox with no hard drives (delete after creation of vm seemed to be required). I attached a SSD drive to a usb/sata adapter and booted the vm from an sme10 install image. Worked the same as a normal hard drive install. Only gotcha seems to be that it depends upon the usb/sata adapter if the vm can boot from it or not. I initially did the install and test boot using an elcheapo usb3/sata adapter and it failed to boot. Changing the adapter to an old steam driven ide/sata->usb2 adapter and the vm boots fine.
In this case I still have to migrate the config (thank you migratehelper courtesy JPP) and sort out the data but The downtime doesn't include the install and update time for (in this case) the sme10 install.
Just something else to keep in your toolbox of ideas.

Offline TerryF

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Re: Another possible way of reducing downtime during a new install
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2021, 11:08:27 AM »
Something interesting to play with :-)
qui scribit bis legit

Offline sages

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Re: Another possible way of reducing downtime during a new install
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2021, 11:20:26 AM »
I've just degraded my production raid 1 array, removed the 'failed' drive, re partitioned it, created a new degraded raid 1 array and am currently copying /home/e-smith/files from the original remaining drive to the new array.
This is with the original production server still live apart from a one reboot after running migratehelper.
Have also updated and installed contribs on the usb attached drive on the VM. just need to plug and pray the drives onto the production hardware and rebuild the new data array.

Offline TerryF

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Re: Another possible way of reducing downtime during a new install
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2021, 11:37:51 AM »
Must be a nice day over there :-) lots of satisfaction when things aline and come together

Good luck and enjoy the serenity
qui scribit bis legit

Offline sages

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Re: Another possible way of reducing downtime during a new install
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2021, 04:53:17 AM »
All sorted, new install of OS, updated, installed contribs, broke existing raid, copied ~1Tb data from old raid to new degraded raid, installed new OS drive, mounted new data raid and re-mirrored using remaining old raid drive. Total down time ~10 minutes, several reboots, mainly hardware cabling, finger problems and confirming changes. Most of the down time was during the running of migratehelper while it stopped services which can't be helped. Everything I needed to work out was easily found on google and here.