Koozali.org: home of the SME Server

Elections 2021

Offline Jean-Philippe Pialasse

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  • aka Unnilennium
    • http://smeserver.pialasse.com
Elections 2021
« on: November 15, 2021, 04:39:45 AM »
Elections 2021

Hello members of the SME community.

The time has come to elect the Board for the forthcoming 3 years.

I would like first to thanks for his efforts Daniel Berteaud who has been an active developer for SME for numerous years, and also has contributed for the last 8 or so years to maintain the Koozali cluster that allow you to read those lines and to see new rpm popping for your favorite distro. Daniel is still acting to help maintaining the cluster behind the scene, and we try to make it easier and easier for him.

During the last 3 years we worked hard to make SME 10 happen. The hardest task was to adapt to systemd. We also made upgrade needing less and less reboot, you will still need it for kernel and few libraries.  Backups will now allow an easy exclude or include configuration. Another major change was to switch completely to PHP-FPM instead of PHP module for Apache. This has led to more flexibility to integrate your favorite webapps. To help you in this we work also to make it easy to configure your ibays using the contrib webhosting with all available php or apache settings reachable using the server-manager.

Speaking of contribs we are currently working to import older contribs to SME10. Those also need to have some improvement to play with systemd, new way of handling php. We also plan to integrate the backup include to all contribs needing it in a near future to ease future migration to SME11.

SME11 is already in our plan, the question is will it be based on RHEL 8 or RHEL 9. We also are leaning toward Rocky as direct upstream or maybe Alma.

However to go this way in the next month we have to upgrade fully our cluster to RHEL 8 level using Rocky 8, and migrate our build system to Koji. In the mean time we will move our sources from CVS to GIT to ease collaboration.

Donations keep coming - we have enough to keep the infrastructure running. As last year, we would love to make a few fund-raising in order to be bale to pay for some development, but we would need more hands in order to make it happen. In other words if you would like to help Koozali, and do not feel to be able to help by coding, maybe you could be a fit to become our new chief fundraiser.

I would like to thank you all board member and all contributors for their hard work during the last 3 years. Also thank you for all the donators, and all members of the community helping each others through the forum. If you have spare time please consider joining us on the board.

You do not have to be a coder to help. The Board is there predominantly to oversee the finances of Koozali SME Server.  Also people skilled in communication would be a perfect match on the board to help developing the community.


To keep things simple I intend to run the Election as we did last years. Vote will stay open for 15 days as stated in the by-Laws, running until December 1st 00:00 east time.

To keep the process simple the list of current members wanting to continue is proposed in a separate post, and if you agree with the list then you could follow up with a Subject line of "Vote".

On this basis we make the assumption that you are voting for one of the listed Nominees.

If there is anyone who does not agree with re-election of the nominated people, then please state in a follow up to this post and we will have to separate it out.

If you wish to stand for election yourself then please start a new post with a title of "Nominee - Your Name" and write a little about who you are and why you should be elected.

If more than 9 people stand, then we will split it into individual votes and work from there.

Please DO NOT use any of the threads to try and make political capital etc or start long debates. Any such threads will be removed and the user banned. Please just VOTE or NOMINEE and nothing else.

Best regards


Offline Jean-Philippe Pialasse

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  • aka Unnilennium
    • http://smeserver.pialasse.com
Re: Elections 2021
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 05:03:24 AM »
The election is now closed.

Congratulation to the adminstrators for 2021-2024:
    Nicolas Candelier (kankan)
    John Crisp (ReetP)
    Jean-philippe Pialasse (unnilennium or jppialasse)
    Mark Phillips (Mophilly)
    Terry Fage (TerryF)
    Greg Zartman (gzartman)

Thanks you for those who took the time to vote.