I got the Samsung Contact software and it probably would not run on SME as it looks for Redhat 7.2 (would not run at all anywhere else) and uses X for installation.
The following is not related to SME and is provided for information. EMail me at serge@sdsc.ca if you want to know more.
My experience with the Contact mail server on RH7.2:
I was able to install it on a RedHat 7.2 box and it seemed to connect fine using the Outlook connector from an XP Pro client. However, I could not test it further as I was not able to enter the administration pages to configure the server more than the default installation. COuld not create public mailboxes, resources.... I was getting constant "Invalid user or password" although I KNOW I did use the proper username and password for the administrator. I am pursuing this with Samsung on their BETA brogram..
Yes, this is still in BETA mode and is timebombed for June 2002. The final product, I believe, should be free for non-comercial use for up to 5 (yes five!) users only.
I could be wrong about the licensing as I could not find a reference of this anywhere. Just seem to remember I read it somewhere

In any case, it is SUPPOSED to give you similar functionality to MS Exchange if you use Outlook and the Contact connector. Calendaring and other objects are supported although I could not simulate an appointment booking... The EMail was not received by the addressee, also on Contact.
It seems to be providing more functionality than just POP3 and IMAP can.
In any case, this thread does not seem to be helping on SME.
Just so you should know.