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webmail and 4

cary wells

webmail and 4
« on: August 06, 2000, 10:52:41 AM »
Well I finally got a machine together and got 4 installed, went and got the update to the core and then proceeded to install the webmail also, On installing the mod_phps I got dependency errors on libpq.so.2 and psotresql but I just did a --nodeps and it installed and is now up and running.  I must say this is really slick guys, mucho impressed.  On viewing the log files i get a cou[ple librarry errors every once in awhile pertaining to libpq but it seems to be running okay.

On a different note was someone talking about a fax server before?

Dan Brown

RE: webmail and 4
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2000, 07:11:57 PM »
Actually, I'd remove mod_php-pgsql, since you apparently aren't running PostgreSQL.  It doesn't do you any good, and might cause stability problems down the road.  The only database one you need is mod_php-mysql.

Glad to hear the system's working for you!