Koozali.org: home of the SME Server

WANTED: Team leaders & members

Offline chris burnat

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WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #30 on: September 07, 2004, 03:17:41 AM »
I can test/report using a spare box and test domain + MX record.  Say 5 hours/week, sometimes more depending of what is required.
- chris
If it does not work out of the box, please fill in a Bug Report @ Bugzilla (http://bugs.contribs.org)  - check: http://wiki.contribs.org/Bugzilla_Help .  Thanks.


WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #31 on: September 09, 2004, 02:28:30 PM »
1) I apply as a Doc/translate team member
2) I can dedicate 3 hours a week
3) I have 4 years experince in linux administration  and translation (italian)
4) member

Offline TrevorB

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WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #32 on: September 09, 2004, 03:13:17 PM »
1) Templates and testing
2) 4 hours per week
3) php, perl & e-smith templating
4) member

Currently spending a lot of time on the Thinstation project, but am keen to see smeserver survive, and move on. :-)


Experienced Open Source Developer
« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2004, 05:26:06 PM »
Hello, let me introduce myself; My name is Darren Critchley and I live in British Columbia Canada.
I have been developing software for 20 years now, and have ran many projects from start to finish, both large and small.

Over two years ago I discovered the open source movement (yes some of us did come to the party late) and got involved. I have previous experience working on the Ipcop firewall project (www.ipcop.org), I have been involved with that project for the past two years the largest contribution was the port forwarding page in 1.3/1.4, but code contribution has slowed down in the last while.

I can code in Assembly, basic, bash/shell, C (limited), Synon, RPG, Perl, PHP, Visual Basic and a pile of others I have forgotten. I have worked with a multitude of proprietary databases and have worked minimally with MySQL.

I maintain a commercial firewall distribution on linux as my primary means of employment. I am readily available by VOIP as I have a CISCO ATA 186 VOIP box.

I am available up to 10 hours per week and additionally I have asked my boss to donate another 5 hours of my time per week.
I am available for pretty much any position (worker bee or coordinator bee) as long as I am developing and adding new things, etc.
I have been using SME for about 9 months and was impressed with the change from 5 to 6 and would like to see things go further and improved. I would like to apply what I have learned on other open source projects, etc. I am quite experienced at taking other open source code and building GUI's around them to fit into a particular project.

So I will let those of you in charge decide where and if there is a need for me on the project, you can contact me at darrenc ( a t ) telus ( d o t ) net.

Darren Critchley

Offline Boris

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WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #34 on: September 09, 2004, 07:47:11 PM »
as far as I can see, the main problem is that nobody want to be in charge and take responsibility.
If you feel confident in your abilities, please nominate yourself as a leader of one of the proposed development group, start on the projects and people will join in and support it.


WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2004, 07:59:15 PM »
Quote from: "Boris"
as far as I can see, the main problem is that nobody want to be in charge and take responsibility.
If you feel confident in your abilities, please nominate yourself as a leader of one of the proposed development group, start on the projects and people will join in and support it.

Well I'll let you decide, I could work on any of the following as a Team Leader:
Release Team
Update Team
Template Team
Security Team

My emphasis would be on something where I am working on new features and improving the product. I already use it and there are some areas where I would like to improve it. I don't quite see which of those Teams would be suitable. Please clarify for me.


Offline wellsi

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WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2004, 07:59:40 PM »
(back from hols - nice to see the acitivity)

1. Doc + Whatever requires testing, eg Security, Updates and Release Teams
2. I can dedicate 3-5 hours a week. Sometimes much more.
3. I have the following skills Testing, Documentation, PHP, MySQL, Perl etc
4. member

I believe that it is best for me to dedicate my time to testing and documentation rather than coding - others will always be better, but I could patch RPMs if required.

Does it make sense to have a TEST team containing people willing to test RPMs and releases generated by any of the other teams?

Offline ngomes

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WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #37 on: September 09, 2004, 08:03:53 PM »
Hi all,

I' ve been with a lot of work lately (training, paperwork, huge implementation...). Any way, here is my 2 cents:

1. Team member for the Doc Team (Fluent in Portuguese and English) and for the Release Team. Since my network background and professional comes from the M$ world, I can test on 2 machines some features regarding the integration between a SME Server and a Windows Server/Small Business Server 2000/2003 on the same network (ldap, samba, active directory, dns/bind, wins, etc).
2. I can dedicate 4 to 6 hours/week.
3. Basic knowhow on Linux/SME Server (studying everytime), MCSE on Windows Server 2000 (some guys come from the dark side...), network administration and troubleshotting of Windows Servers (since 2000) and SME Servers (since 2001). Poor programming skills (the basics just to understand and do some troubleshotting).
4. Member.

Nuno Gomes
Nuno Rafael Gomes
Learning everyday from everyday problems...


Re: Team Member
« Reply #38 on: September 09, 2004, 08:09:11 PM »
Quote from: "davidk"
Hi Everyone.  This is my first post.  I admire the contribs sme server very much.  I would like to contribute to the success of this project.

Hey David if you are still following this thread, drop me a note - where in Western Canada are you?

I'm in Vernon, coding away in the Linux environment.


Offline Boris

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WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #39 on: September 09, 2004, 08:15:16 PM »
Quote from: "dpcritchley"
Well I'll let you decide ....

That was exactly my point.
I am not the decision maker either and not planning on become one.


WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #40 on: September 09, 2004, 08:23:56 PM »
Quote from: "Boris"
Quote from: "dpcritchley"
Well I'll let you decide ....

That was exactly my point.
I am not the decision maker either and not planning on become one.

Well who is in charge then?
I have seen several posts from you over the last few months about the state of things.
Someone has to take charge. Someone set out the four Teams, and probably knows which one I would be most suited for.
And no, I have no interest in being the Project Admin, I will admin a team and be responsible and code on the project.

Could you please post more information about the state of things?



WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #41 on: September 10, 2004, 01:03:31 AM »
Hi all,

Let get some things clear here...

- To get things started on the teams, contribs.org is in charge.
- Once the teams are in place, the teams are in charge of their area of expertise
- Contribs.org will always coordinate official final releases or updates.
- Contribs.org is YOU!!!! that's why we called upon you.
- Everybody is welcomed to speak up.

1 line only: "Just do it!"

You all will benefit, get credit, enjoy AND most importent HAVE FUN!!! This is just a starting point, and as time/ideas/efforts/commitment progresses contribs.org will try to adapt to it.

Join the revolution!


Offline RvLardin

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Count me in !
« Reply #42 on: September 14, 2004, 05:53:10 PM »
Sorry for the late discovering of the topic but I didn't come here for a while.

So, OK to build up next step staff & teams, I'm in.
Very, *very* happy to to know that the work of Shad Lords (SME7.0) is not lost for the community, also.

I'm working everyday with e-smith (sorry : SME) that I install by my customers and then administrate. That's my main job.
So I can say that I know what the small enterprises are waiting for and ... what tools are needed by the admins.

I'll be very happy to contribute in the 'security' team, since I already spend about half an hour every day looking for security informations applied to SME (e-smith ?  :-D ).
I will be glad to work with Dick in this team.

I could also help in the 'release team', testing contributions (I already test a lot) and electing the stuff to integrate in the next release.

I'm not so good in coding, but I can read other's job and I have quite a good vision of what will appear in the next years in our domains. That could help, also.

Thanks a lot for this re-birth of the project.

Au revoir,
[RvLardin (at) Firewall-Services (dot) com]
"Those who are willing to lose some of their essential liberties in favour of security deserve neither and will lose both."
- Thomas Jefferson .


WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #43 on: September 14, 2004, 07:13:40 PM »
Hi, very happy by that news !

I've sevral SME installed by my customer, so I'm able to do the following :

- 3 hours a week, perhaps more
- Security Team (only Iptables )
- Doc team (english to french translation)
- Release Team (Feature request by customers, Testing on differents networks)
- Member only




WANTED: Team leaders & members
« Reply #44 on: September 15, 2004, 01:29:03 PM »
Hi all,

I am Fabio Corneti, a professional consultant/developer really interested in SME Server

I'd like to become a Team Member of the Doc Team (to improve existing documentation and translate it in Italian language)
I can dedicate a minimum of 8 hours a week.
I can support other teams if necessary; I can code well in PHP, Java and Python and I know very well bash scripting.
I can support other teams by creating RPMs or testing integration within an etherogeneus LAN (I have a LAN with different distributions and Windows versions).