I hope the SME gods are good minded these days...
Well, the password encryption should be managed through the webbased portal as well as via the console.
Ftp acces at homedirs of users should be open or set to open through the portal and console. (Maybe a secure connection https ???)
Root commands, when handy, should be there too...
Not only virusscan but also detailed visible info of whereabouts of users, when they use the server at some point in time. (could be handy if i want to reset the server and not have to find out if anyone is working on it.)
All those settings are manageble via root, but that is the point, i would like to seethat different, and also know the commands used via root.
I know SME is almost perfect, and i consider these things i mentioned as beauty specks...

but i hope someone sees the things all those people want and consider them at full.
Now i soon hope to manage SME server like my Novell 6.5 servers
Oh yeah, what about that awefull pain in the **s; SPAM???? Is there also a future brain for?