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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests

Offline gregswallow

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« on: October 11, 2006, 08:12:48 PM »
SME Server has a problem.  Lots of feature requests and few developers.  One way people have been discussing for a while now is a bounty system.  Horde does it - http://horde.org/bounties/ - and I think we can do it here in a similar way.  

Suggestions can be discussed in this forum, but I think the summary of the feature you discuss here should be entered in the bug tracker to keep tabs of all the "New Feature Requests".  The next step would be for Gordon or whoever he delegates to decide which are reasonable/good choices for possible bounties, or maybe any new feature request should be open?  

Either way, developers interested in adding one of the new features could say "I can do this for $X" and then that bug report gets listed on a bounties page on smeserver.org as an "open" bounty. And then people can make donations and in a note in paypal, or a note on their cheque - they can note that it is for bug#XXXX. Once we get one donation for that bug, it is listed as an "accepted" bounty at that price. We then collect money until we have enough to pay the developer and it is a "in development" bounty and open first to the developer that provided the quote to claim the bounty, and if he happens to have disappeared or has no time, to other developers after x days. Hopefully there can continue to be assistance provided to the developer (testing, etc - all via the bug report).

There would have to be some criteria for approval when the job is completed, and I'm sure some other things I haven't thought of...

Any comments? ideas?

Offline mrjhb3

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2006, 02:45:49 AM »
I like the idea Greg.  It could be used for both items that go into the core distro, and for various contribs that people would like.  There have been various on and off discussions about a bounty system, and it seems most are for the idea.  The only thing that may turn people off is a developer setting the price.  Looking at the horde site, it looks like the sponser sets the price.  I would take it that if a sponser sets a price and no one accepts it, then they either need to raise the price, or other sponsers could chip in to raise the price.  I'd also like to see something where the dollar amount could be donated back to smeserver.org to assist in the funding.

John Bennett

Offline bcliburn

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2006, 10:09:41 PM »
There are certian features that I would be willing to donate money for!  I say that would be a great idea.

Offline gregswallow

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2006, 05:12:06 AM »
Quote from: "mrjhb3"
Looking at the horde site, it looks like the sponser sets the price.  I would take it that if a sponser sets a price and no one accepts it, then they either need to raise the price, or other sponsers could chip in to raise the price.  I'd also like to see something where the dollar amount could be donated back to smeserver.org to assist in the funding.

Yes it looks like for some they do.  The ones under "Open Bounties" on the Horde site, they sponsor has donated the money and is waiting for a developer to do it.  And for others under "Suggested Bounties" it looks like the developers have suggested a dollar value for sponsorship.  I think those are good options as well, and I think you're right - people should be able to donate towards a certain feature before someone has accepted to develop it.  I'd like Gordon's opinion on if all NFR's should be available bounties, or only certain ones chosen by a development team.

By donated back to SME - you mean if the developer didn't want to be paid?  The point of all this is to pay developers, but if they want to work for free, that's fine too ;-)

Offline mrjhb3

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2006, 01:26:27 PM »
Quote from: "gregswallow"

By donated back to SME - you mean if the developer didn't want to be paid?  The point of all this is to pay developers, but if they want to work for free, that's fine too ;-)

No, I mean say a developer accepts a bounty.  Instead of getting paid, the amount of the bounty is donated in the devs name back to smeserver.org to help with maintenance costs, etc.


Offline kruhm

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2006, 06:51:20 AM »
I posted a bounty brokerage system here: http://forums.contribs.org/index.php?topic=32272.0

Basically, the bounty is split. The more a dev produces, the more the dev makes.

This seems to be a much needed item and could be a core component of the web site.

It needs to be:
-easy to find
-easy to use (submit & claim & pay & paid)

If it goes in the bug tracker, it should have a seperate category (not NFR).

Offline gregswallow

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2006, 06:34:08 PM »
> I posted a bounty brokerage system here: http://forums.contribs.org/index.php?topic=32272.0

Thanks for your input.  Having SME Server Inc. hold the money until the feature is developed makes it more legitimate though I think.  And SME Server Inc. will still accept donations separately, so I don't think there's a need to split the bounty.

More comments please!!

Offline TrevorB

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2006, 08:34:50 AM »
I like the horde approach.

I probably won't 'opt in' for any bounties, unless they want something I really want myself (and develop it anyway), but it is nice to know that there could be some reward for it... :-)

Offline kadybee

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A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2006, 07:59:29 AM »
Just to send a 'me too', I would welcome a bounty system as well.

It seems to work in a way to encourage faster development of the things that are _really_ needed.

The other system I would welcome is a charge for various contribs!

There would be a number of contribs that could easily attract a payment.  With the likes of paypal it is quite simple to make the donation/payment and access the software.

I would even welcome a supporter's only repository that is available through different levels of subscription.  There's plenty of scope there.

SME Server remains unique in the marketplace.  It is designed for 'small to medium enterprise' .. that means they earn/save money through its use.  I would welcome something coming back to the developers to encourage them and keep the SME fires burning!

Yet, at the same time, it shouldn't lose sight of the open-source, many developers concept.



A plan to let people donate money towards feature requests
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2006, 04:03:50 AM »
I'm all for it. I think I can even convince a few of my clients to contribute to open source development money they otherwise would spend on some off the shelf item.
