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Log Off Server

Offline imcintyre

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Log Off Server
« on: October 27, 2006, 04:10:00 PM »
As per my previous post quoted below, I would like to be able to log off the file server when I am using it at somebody else's computer.

I have a server at work running 6.01-01 and one at home running v7. I have a problem that I believe is common to both and I would like to know if there is a feature that I am ignorant of, or is this a security issue.

Out of necessity I get to use alot of other people's computers and sometimes I need to get something from the server. When I log on I don't know how to log off without rebooting the other persons machine. I already have the admin profile and my personal profile but even my personal profile gets into some places I don't want machine operators etc to get to. I would prefer not to have another profile. I would also prefer not to reboot. My IT guy said not to log on at other machines (some help :-p).

We run a lot of XP pro, some W2000 and even a couple of 98 machines. I would prefer something that is related to the server rather than trying to reconfigure all work and home machines.

Any advice appreciated, thx in advance for help.

Offline calisun

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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2007, 06:03:59 PM »
I know that there is a way to log out of network connections if you use apple atalk, but for SMB, I have looked for that feature myself and I can't find it.

Only thing I can think of is to map a network drive (under network places- tools- map network drive)
And when done disconnect network drive (under network places- tools- Disconnect Network Drive)
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Offline raem

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Re: Log Off Server
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2007, 07:02:40 AM »
imcintyre & calisun

Are you referring to the "net" command ie particularly "net use ..." ?

Offline imcintyre

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« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2007, 12:05:07 PM »
Thanks for the suggestion, I will give it a try.

Offline imcintyre

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« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2007, 07:14:12 PM »
Did not work. I read on the page that it cannot work from the command prompt window when windows is running.

Offline cactus

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Log Off Server
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2007, 06:31:10 PM »
Quote from: "imcintyre"
Did not work. I read on the page that it cannot work from the command prompt window when windows is running.
Why not? The only thing I can find is that you cannot start or stop services from the command prompt while running windows.

I see not such thing mentioned with the NET USE command which is what you will probably need to really disconnect mappings. Try opening a command prompt and to list the drive of mappings:
Code: [Select]
net useSelect a drive to remove and issue:
Code: [Select]
net use driveletter: /deleteIf you don't want to be prompted you can add the /yes option to the command.
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Offline calisun

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« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2007, 07:53:06 PM »
- RayMitchell
Your suggestion is same thing as mine, yours is command prompt way, mine is GUI way, but is is same thing.

- cactus
He was wondering if there is a way to disconnect from SMB share that you connect through "my network places" so no drive is mounted, but window$ remembers password until next restart.

- imcintyre
I believe your only option is to map a network drive and later unmount it. And how you do it is your choice,  command prompt or GUI way.

P.S.  This post should really be in SME Server 7 or General Discussion forum not Suggestions forum.
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Offline imcintyre

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« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2007, 08:17:18 PM »
You nailed it, sorry if I wasn't clearer earlier.

I followed the link and read through the suggestion about the net command and the net logoff command was the one that seemed to be most appropriate. I tried it and apparently it is not an allowed option on my pc (XP pro).

The net use command seems to work but I am having trouble with the syntax.

Code: [Select]
net use driveletter: /delete

This sounds as if I would have needed to map a drive letter and while I could do that, it seems like too many keystrokes and I should just switch user and go on the client/local machine as administrator, and then log off after.

It sounds from Calisun's post that this is a bit of a dead end besides logging on as administrator. If not, I'd appreciate the help. If so, thanks for getting me this far.

Offline raem

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« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2007, 03:40:54 AM »

> This sounds as if I would have needed to map a drive letter
> and while I could do that, it seems like too many keystrokes

It is simple to create a batch file that connects you to share(s) using drive letter mapping, and then have a second batch file that disconnects when finished, and saves you from doing any typing at all.
You can easily edit the files for different servers/situations or have multiple versions of these logon/off scripts.
You also have the delete all option too.
Just doubleclick on the appropriate batch files and it's all over in a few seconds.

Logon batch file eg logon.bat
net use L: \\\ibay1
net use M: \\\ibay2
net use N: \\\ibay3
net use \\server\printer1
net use \\server\printer2

Logoff batch file eg logoffdrives.bat
net use /delete L: /yes
net use /delete M: /yes
net use /delete N: /yes
net use /delete \\server\printer1
net use /delete \\server\printer2

or alternatively to delete all connections just use
net use /delete * /yes

Search the forums for many examples of more complex logon scripts, and I even think there is a contrib.

Offline imcintyre

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« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2007, 06:51:52 PM »