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admin email

Offline kadybee

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admin email
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:07:07 AM »
I think it may be time to re-visit this!  

I am aware of the reasoning behind and for the setup of the admin account and resultant admin@ email address and system messages, however, I am constantly having to work around it to provide the company receptionist with the admin@ email address.  I note I am not alone in doing that.

As much as I would like to change the view of organisations to not use admin@ as a general email address, they generally have been doing it for years and oft have it printed on stationery.

Might I suggest that the 'admin' becomes 'sysadmin' and an admin@ pseudonym is allowed out of the box.


Offline william_syd

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admin email
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 10:24:44 AM »
You should post that in the bug tracker as a New Feature Request.

IF I give advise.. It's only if it was me....