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Pseudonyms vs old aliases

Offline pmiranda

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Pseudonyms vs old aliases
« on: January 02, 2007, 02:58:28 PM »
Hello, I noticed that it is now possible to create pseudonyms of pseudonyms, and it is an interesting feature.

But I feel that the whole pseudonym concept, as it is implemented, is a strong limitation to the email redirection concept.

Imagine this: you have an enterprise group, let's say "developers", you want to send mail to; easy, at first: create a "developers" group, insert every developer in this group and send mail to "developers".

But there is a problem: as far as I know, the user "admin" is a member of all the groups, and there is an upper limit to the groups a user can be member of - a hard limit, established by the kernel. So, if I need more email groups than this limit - easy, it should be about 32, there is no way to have them.

Whenever the need is limited to grouping users to mail delivery purposes, the old E-Smith 4.x "alias" model was way more effective: one could create "aliases" that delivery messages to a list of email addresses, separate by commas, that could be internal or external addresses.

Could be the "pseudonym" concept reverted to the old "alias" one?
Pierluigi Miranda
Responsabile Sistemi e Reti
Servizio Sistemi Informativi
Agecontrol S.p.A.

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Re: Pseudonyms vs old aliases
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2007, 08:51:55 PM »
Quote from: "pmiranda"

But there is a problem: as far as I know, the user "admin" is a member of all the groups, and there is an upper limit to the groups a user can be member of - a hard limit, established by the kernel. So, if I need more email groups than this limit - easy, it should be about 32, there is no way to have them.

The 32 group limit was removed in SME 7 thanks to changes in the 2.6 kernel series.

Quote from: "pmiranda"

Whenever the need is limited to grouping users to mail delivery purposes, the old E-Smith 4.x "alias" model was way more effective: one could create "aliases" that delivery messages to a list of email addresses, separate by commas, that could be internal or external addresses.

Could be the "pseudonym" concept reverted to the old "alias" one?

It's not a matter of reverting - the "alias" module was an add-on. If someone wants to polish it and release it, it could be put into the smeaddons repository.

Pseudonyms are intentionally restrictive to maintain a consistent concept of users/addresses on the server.

However, if you want to have mailing lists, install a mailing list add-on, either smeserver-ezmlm or smeserver-mailman. That way you also get proper bounce handling for external addresses.