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How do I put messages back into my account

Jason Judge

How do I put messages back into my account
« on: April 21, 2002, 12:46:46 AM »
I've recently re-installed SME 5.1.2 (in order to get dual-processor support working, which it didn't) and would now like to put my mail messages back into my server folders.

I took a desktop backup, so I have each individual mail file. However, if I try to copy any of these files back into the mail folders on the server I get all sorts of errors on all mail clients I have tried (Eudora, OLE5 and IMP). The problem seems to stem from the UIDs not being in the right order (OLE reports that the server sends the same UID over and over for hundreds of messages - but that may be OLE). Consequently, none of my messages are being displayed, though the mail clients all report the correct number of messages in the folders.

Any idea how I would fix this? Any idea what I am actually doing wrong? How can I get my old messages back?

-- Jason

Jason Judge

Re: How do I put messages back into my account
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2002, 01:16:14 AM »
Ah - just figured it. Copy the mail messages into the 'new' directory of the mail folder rather than 'cur' - making sure 'mv' is used throughout to preserve the timestamps of the files (it seems the file timestamp is used to indicate the date of the message. IMO not a good way to do it, but I guess it's not up to me }:-)

If I had the time, I suppose the date could be extracted from the message header and pasted back onto the file timestamp - but I'm glad just to get my mail back, so I'll leave it like it is - all messages dated 'today'.

-- Jason