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Does SME Apache support mod_gnutls and SNI

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Does SME Apache support mod_gnutls and SNI
« on: May 29, 2008, 10:54:44 AM »
I want to set up Server Name Indication on my SME server - I know that mod_gnutls is experimental but wondered if anyone had tried.

I have several SSL services running, including SSL-Explorer (on port 28081). However, my work proxy only allows https connections to port 443 (which I need for traditional webmail and OpenXchange). With SNI, I could set up SSL-Explorer to run on an internal virtual port, then create a DNS alias to sslexplorer.mydomain.com, and have apache reroute requests for sslexplorer.mydomain.com:443 to internally. I may be able to do the same with OpenVPN over https.

I have looked at installing www.delegate.org as a front end, but would have to move the existing Apache SSL services to an internal address - something I am not sure how to do.

Anyone have any thoughts? 


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Re: Does SME Apache support mod_gnutls and SNI
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 06:57:34 PM »
Moving this topic to the SME 7.x contribs forum, it is more appropriate there. Thanks!

Have you filled in a Bug Report over @ http://bugs.contribs.org ? Please don't wait to be told this way you help us to help you/others - Thanks!