Koozali.org: home of the SME Server

Board Election 2014

Offline ReetP

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Board Election 2014
« on: November 16, 2014, 03:54:23 AM »
Hello people.

The time has come to elect the Board for the forthcoming year.

During the year both Ian Wells and Tony Keane have had to resign from the Board due to work and personal commitments and Shad will be leaving now that the move has been completed

We have co-opted Terry Fage and Michael Doerner to support us in the meantime.

On a personal note, I have enjoyed my time running the show. It has not always been an easy path, with lots of ups and downs, but I have been assisted and supported by a great bunch of people who have also become pretty good friends too.

There is much more of a community sense amongst the leadership and I hope that continues. In-fighting does nothing. A strong and positive approach makes a big difference.

Despite outward appearances I can assure you that we have not been idle, though we have spent too much time 'firefighting' and not enough developing for the future. I hope that will start to change now. There is still a huge amount of work to do and we desperately need people to get involved in things.

From where we started we are more financially stable. However, we would like to see donations increase so we can invest more back in to the system, be that in paid developers, promotion, etc.

I will do a full report for the end of the year, but just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of those on the Board, and elsewhere, who have done so much in the last 18 months.

Regarding the Board itself we are still one member short and would like to see someone volunteer to help out - preferably an active member.

You do not have to be a coder to help. The Board is there predominantly to oversee the finances of Koozali SME Server. As there are few active developers, then those on the Board take such decisions on the future development as required, but in consultation with other developers.

Having someone with business or finance background would be good.

OK, the process. I realised in the draft bye laws it states that each registered member of the forum "shall have one vote each".

But it doesn't state what that vote is actually for - an individual or a collective.

I was going to suggest that to keep the process simple I propose the list of current members in a separate post, and if you agree with the list then you could follow up with a Subject line of "Vote".

On this basis we make the assumption that you are voting for one of the listed Nominees.

If there is anyone who does not agree with re-election of the nominated people, then please state in a follow up and we will have to separate it out.

If you wish to stand for election yourself then please start a new post with a title of "Nominee - Your Name" and write a little about who you are and why you should be elected.

If more than 9 people stand, then we will split it into individual votes and work from there.

Please DO NOT use any of the threads to try and make political capital etc or start long debates. Any such threads will be removed and the user banned. Please just VOTE or NOMINEE and nothing else.
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Offline ReetP

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Re: Board Election 2014
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2014, 12:33:27 PM »
As a note to some comments on the Nomination list, we will review the process for next time. We may use a poll or Limesurvey or similar.

We are still learning at the minute so please bear with us.... this is all new territory !

B. Rgds
1. Read the Manual
2. Read the Wiki
3. Don't ask for support on Unsupported versions of software
4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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