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Offline groyk

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« on: October 26, 2016, 10:02:45 PM »
Hi all

Can anyone tell me how to make yum install pstoedit??


I need to add correct repo, but I don't know how

Offline janet

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Re: pstoedit
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2016, 03:18:37 AM »

I need to add correct repo, but I don't know how

It does tell you the basics in that link, & also refer to examples at
for how to add repos to sme, modify the code for say fws to suit the puias-client for the sme side of things.

Install Howto
    Create the repository config file /etc/yum.repos.d/puias-client.repo:

    name=PUIAS Client

    Install pstoedit rpm package:
    # yum install pstoedit

For adding the repo to sme, maybe something like

db yum_repositories set puias-client repository \
BaseURL http://puias.math.ias.edu/data/puias/5/en/os/x86_64/ClientAddons/ \
EnableGroups no GPGCheck yes \
Name "Puias Client" \
Visible no status disabled

After adding it to the database updating the configuration file is required:

signal-event yum-modify

To view your settings you may run this command:

db yum_repositories show puias-client

... or use this simpler example as a guide (modify as above)
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set centos-sclo-rh \
repository Name 'Centos-RH Software collections' \
BaseURL 'http://mirror.centos.org/centos/$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/' \
EnableGroups no Visible yes status disabled
« Last Edit: October 27, 2016, 03:21:18 AM by janet »
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Offline groyk

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Re: pstoedit
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2016, 05:03:14 PM »
Thank you that did the trick.  :-)