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Will installation of Sogo affect current email setup or clients in any way?

Offline m0n0

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Hi, have been using SME since version 4.1.2, but not in any way a Linux/SME expert.
Would like to try out Sogo and would like to know if installing it would/could affect the current email setup in any way?
Currently using Thunderbird and Outlooks client in Windows via IMAP and would be grateful if someone could let me know if that would work as before after installing Sogo?

Offline Stefano

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Hi Terje, welcome here..

installing SOGo won't affect email features.. you can safely install it following the wiki page

Offline ReetP

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Sogo is effectively just another client to your mailboxes, just as Thunderbird or Outlook are (in IMAP mode)

So it won't affect you.

B. Rgds
1. Read the Manual
2. Read the Wiki
3. Don't ask for support on Unsupported versions of software
4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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Offline m0n0

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Thanks for the info!
I logged in as root and got the "error message" below.
Any advice?
Best regards,

/$ yum --enablerepo=stephdl,epel,sogo3,fws install smeserver-sogo
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, smeserver
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: ftp.uninett.no
 * smeaddons: ftp.surfnet.nl
 * smeextras: ftp.surfnet.nl
 * smeos: ftp.surfnet.nl
 * smeupdates: ftp.surfnet.nl
 * updates: ftp.uninett.no
No package smeserver-sogo available.
Error: Nothing to do

Offline janet

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Did you actually configure those repositories on your sme server BEFORE running the yum install command ?
click on the hyperlink for each repo name & follow config instructions, on the part of the wiki article that says
"For SME 9 , You need to activate Stephdl, epel, fws and sogo repository"
Please search before asking, an answer may already exist.
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Offline m0n0

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Thanks Janet,
You're right, I just issued the command and guess I have to do something like the below for each repository first?
Best regards,


db yum_repositories set stephdl repository \
BaseURL http://mirror.de-labrusse.fr/smeserver/\$releasever \
EnableGroups no GPGCheck yes \
Name "Mirror de Labrusse" \
GPGKey http://mirror.de-labrusse.fr/RPM-GPG-KEY \
Visible yes status disabled

After adding it to the database updating the configuration file is required:
signal-event yum-modify

Offline janet

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Yes for each one of the four repos (as these are not configured by default on sme server)

Please search before asking, an answer may already exist.
The Search & other links to useful information are at top of Forum.