Koozali.org: home of the SME Server

Elections 2017

Offline Jean-Philippe Pialasse

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    • http://smeserver.pialasse.com
Elections 2017
« on: November 16, 2017, 03:57:11 AM »
Elections 2017

Hello members of the SME community.

The time has come to elect the Board for the forthcoming year.

A lot has moved during the last year.  RequestedDeletion  who stepped in again during the year decided to stepped back a few days ago. Stefano has also decided to step back from the board. We must all thank them for their great effort on being on the board, not to even speak of the huge work they did and do for the community on the forum , wiki and bugzilla.

We also had some help from Konrad who hop on the board to see if he would fit. He did great job, and we would be happy to see him keep on good work.
This year is important as it was the end of life of SME 8, the end of Sourceforge CVS. It is also a new release of SME9 : SME9.2, a new alpha release of SME10. You might see some changes in the next weeks on the forum and the wiki. We will update them and introduce the Koozali branding finally.

Donations keep coming - we have enough to keep the infrastructure running. We would like now to make a few fund-raising in order to be bale to pay for some development. As we have experienced in the last years we have a lot of good ideas, but we miss the people to code them in a short time as we only account on free spare time of only few community members. If you feel motivated to help raising some funds, please step in, contact us !

I would like to thank you all board member and all contributors for their hard work during the last 12 months. Also thank you for all the donators, and all members of the community helping each others through the forum and mailing lists. If you have spare time please consider joining us on the board.

You do not have to be a coder to help. The Board is there predominantly to oversee the finances of Koozali SME Server.  Also people skilled in communication would be a perfect match on the board to help developing the community.

Next Year will be about SME10 advancement and branding of Koozali. The development is yet a community effort, so do not hesitate to step in and help in anyway : testing, scouting bugzilla for forgotten NFR with code attached, making patch... We are here to assist you ! Even if you do not know how to code, you can learn, and we can help there !
Better in server or web administration, we have also some job for you !


To keep things simple I intend to run the Election as we did last years. Vote will stay open for 15 days as stated in the by-Laws, running until December 1st 00:00 east time.

To keep the process simple the list of current members wanting to continue is proposed in a separate post, and if you agree with the list then you could follow up with a Subject line of "Vote".

On this basis we make the assumption that you are voting for one of the listed Nominees.

If there is anyone who does not agree with re-election of the nominated people, then please state in a follow up to this post and we will have to separate it out.

If you wish to stand for election yourself then please start a new post with a title of "Nominee - Your Name" and write a little about who you are and why you should be elected.

If more than 9 people stand, then we will split it into individual votes and work from there.

Please DO NOT use any of the threads to try and make political capital etc or start long debates. Any such threads will be removed and the user banned. Please just VOTE or NOMINEE and nothing else.

Best regards

« Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 10:28:11 PM by Jean-Philippe Pialasse »

Offline Jean-Philippe Pialasse

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  • aka Unnilennium
    • http://smeserver.pialasse.com
Re: Elections 2017
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2017, 05:07:18 PM »
Elections are now closed for this year. Our thanks to all those who voted.

There were a total of 38 votes in favour and 1 against of the nominated members.

The Board will be constituted as voted for in the forthcoming year.

Best regards

Jean-Philippe Pialasse

Koozali Foundation Inc.