It simply won’t.
It is an arm processor. We only have i386 and x86_64 builds.
Centos ships some packages on some arm type and solely in 32 bits. While depending on version on the pie you could make use of the 64 bits. The reason for that is that it is considered only usefull with more than 4gb of ram. Newest pi ships with maximum 4gb.
Anyway. This is technically possible. We would need to add a new builder with an arm cpu. And then start to rebuild all needed packages and import centos ones.
One big limit there: we use some packages from epel, remi, repoforge, rpmfusion which do not ship arm build. So this would need to build all this packages. And all packages needed to build them. To give a proportion, this could become hundred to build for ten needed packages.
In other world this would need people willing to do it without using the time of the few willing to work for sme 10