Rudi, if you are keen to jump in at the deep end or even the shallow one here are some notes that may help for starters..
The bible re QA - give the basic "do it this way so we are all on same page"
The SME10 Verification queALL Bugs for Verification - note contribs onesHelpful info on Testing SetupsHandy Wiki pagesIts easy for those who do this regularly, it can be a bloody mine pit for someone who doesn't 🙂 very easy to kill a test system and no way to get out but wipe and start again, please dont be put off, if nothing else it sure educates you on the blackmagic in koozali/sme and makes you appreciate a hypervisor like Proxmox and snapshots.
1. Install current A5 iso - smeserver-10.0.alpha5-x86_64.iso
2. run a # yum update (DO NOT enable any repos) there are around 360+mb, last time I did it, awaiting, on occasion ie very very rarely smeserver-yum may also need updating first, it may be in smeupdates-testing, so a heads up a quick look under the hood can save a world of grief, BUT, be carful it may pull dependencies that need other updates, can also bork the test system.
3. Make sure to reboot/reconfig
4. Normal Test setup would be to now, select a Bug that need verifying, update the package
# yum update e-smith-base --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing (ONLY this) and follow the verification wiki
**HOWEVER** we have come such a long way with updates to the A5 iso, and I do mean multi versions of an update, a very large number of changes to system files etc, from the initial install that it is not possible to do basic testing using the basic A5 iso. You would have needed to updated a A5 iso incrementally as the updates and changes have been produced. So this stage for testing can just about be left until we release the Beta (not far away)
5. If you do a yum update --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing you will update ALL the packages that need testing, may also need the /smetest repo for some updates do it after completing above, be careful - a danger Will Robinson moment - BUT it will bring your install to a point where you could carry out overall testing of the system or Contrib updates/import testing and verification BUT beware you could also kill it. This would also set a point where you could test any NEW updates..all good fun. It will also bring the system close to what a beta will be.. stay away from the /smedev repo unless told a particular package is there, *NEVER* update from there
Many contribs have been ported over to SME10, they are not in the sme10 contribs repo yet, you will find them in the /smetest and to a lesser degree /smedev some are unstable and need work, be warned, which is why they need to be tested, all will have a Bug raised against them, go our hardest. Install dont update from /smedev
You will also find that you may need as a minimum the epel and openfusion repos for some updates and or contribs see the /smeaddons repo for an easy way to configure
6. Not available publicly but will be in the beta is an iso that supports following
RAID should be configured as follows:
# 2 Drives - Software RAID 1
# 3 Drives - Software RAID 1 + 1 Hot-spare
# 4 Drives - Software RAID 6
# 5+ Drives - Software RAID 6 + 1 Hot-spare
something to look forward to
Use the bug for feedback on testing, the lists are still a good resource as well, were the goto place