ip details
I don't see the details we asked for....
Please go back and write down exactly what you did to get to this point and tell us.
Without that level of detail this is all pretty meaningless.
So, server version, where you were with updates, what other rpms/contribs you had tried to install, what you did to trigger this, the output the address commands above etc.
You titled this as "Yum update to beta 1 failed" but what stage were you at before this? Fully updated, part updated, not updated? What command did you use to update?
All we really have so far is 'the car won't start' !!
And I know that you have been playing because "ldif-fix" is not in a stock install....... so how did it get there?
My guess is you have been trying all sorts of things out - possibly some v9 contribs - and then tried to upgrade, and something broke.
So my gut instinct this is a won't fix because this is not a normal install.
just ran 'yum update' enabled the smecontribs repo
Ahhhhh. Do you think that is a sensible move? You should never just do 'update' with extra repos enabled.
And I am not sure that is the issue as there is almost nothing in the SME v10 contribs repo that would really do that:
http://mirror.canada.pialasse.com/releases/testing/10.0.beta1/smecontribs/x86_64/RPMS/So, that isn't the whole story..............
I suspect you enabled other repos when you did update eg smedev???? In which case your VM is toast.