See full wiki entry for testing details - is relevant section detailing specific details for contribs.
Contribs Testing
For testing of contribs a simple install and yum update should be sufficient to prepare the test environment, however it may also be necessary to also include a yum update from /smeupdates-testing as well, this will become apparent when attempting an install of an updated contrib.
Contribs for testing will usually be found in the /smedev /smetest repos, all will have a Bug to track the update. # yum install smeserver-nfs --enablerepo=smetest,smeupdates-testing
*** Warning only install an updated contrib with a specific command referencing the /smedev and /smetest repos, NEVER just do a yum update --enablerepo=smedev,smetest this will most certainly render your system akin to a dead parrot.
Those contribs found in the /smetest repo will generally be able to be installed and tested for functionality, report all findings in associated Bug. Those contribs in /smedev may still have a degree of instability and may install but not run, again all results to relevant bug.
Any contrib that has been moved to the sme10 contribs repo should be fully functional, again there will be a Bug that may still be open to track any issues, use it.