here is how to sort what contribs are available for your fresh SME 10
first ones that are ok to install are the one you could try and report. Those in smetest / beta are a mix of contribs almost ready to be used and some that could break your system. Before trying to install one :
- read the open bugs against sme10 for the contribs at the bottom of its page
- setup a test system,
- have a backup and
- be ready to report any issue in the bug tracker, not here in the forum
For those in smedev/ alpha, those are all, to cite John, Dragons and are here for Dev to sort things that broke a system. Unless you know what you do, please step back.
For those wanting a contrib not listed there, please open a thread here and on bug tracker against the contrib. You have a link at the bottom of the wiki contrib page to open one. Most frequently we work first on contribs that seems essential to us, leaving those which seems not used for later. If you need it, at least tell it, and if you can at least help testing it , that is better.
Do not try to install it from sme9 smecontribs, it will break, mostly because:
- new way to handle php
- systemd
- rpm packaging has changed and do not allow multiple packages to own the same folder and this will prevent it to install.