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Setting up an I-bay for an outside user

Offline JRBATM20192021

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2021, 10:39:11 AM »
Hi again,

Sme 10 works great. However I seem to be missing a couple of things for an SSL certificate according to https://wiki.koozali.org/Certificate_ssl_management I should have a tab in Server-manager to upload I don't have that tab and I don't know how to add it what do I need to do to add that?

Also for my same old problem with chrooting I bay access according to https://wiki.koozali.org/FTP_Access_to_Ibays I need to add Install the smeserver-remoteuseraccess contrib. Is that all I need to do?  Then will a new place in the server manager Remote access have a tab so I can chroot I-bay access like I explain a while ago above?


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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2021, 11:00:09 AM »
first question re ssl cert: this needs a contrib. not yet available on sme10.
i suggest using letsencrypt or configure the ssl cert using command line.

second question :yes.

Offline JRBATM20192021

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2021, 09:32:45 PM »
Okay so this is getting to the territory in Sme Server I am not familiar with.. So for the SSL certificate would using letsencrypt let me use a SSL Certificate that I could buy off of the internet? Also where do I need to go in Sme Server to find letsencrypt?

Another thing I am not familiar with I assume this code right here is what I need to add for the chrooting yum  --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-remoteuseraccess
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

Where do I need to go in Sme Server to install this?


Offline TerryF

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2021, 10:41:58 PM »
Okay so this is getting to the territory in Sme Server I am not familiar with.. So for the SSL certificate would using letsencrypt let me use a SSL Certificate that I could buy off of the internet? Also where do I need to go in Sme Server to find letsencrypt?

Letsencrypt is free service and provides a single use cert, well worth the time to have a look at their home for background, https://letsencrypt.org/, Koozali SME Server has a contrib to help with the installation and ongoing admin, https://wiki.koozali.org/Letsencrypt, you will need to work from the command line (cli) in a local terminal or ssh into one.  ssh access needs to have been enabled from the server-manager, see wiki for details.

Another thing I am not familiar with I assume this code right here is what I need to add for the chrooting yum  --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-remoteuseraccess
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

Where do I need to go in Sme Server to install this?

Remoteuseraccess is  also a contrib, https://wiki.koozali.org/Remoteuseraccess again installation is shown being done from the cli using a local terminal or ssh. Once installed as per wiki administraion is carried out from the server-manager, wiki shows some settings being done from a terminal as well.

For both contribs, have a good read, ask if unsure particularly for Letsencrypt, remoteuseraccess is straightforward

Good Luck and enjoy
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Offline JRBATM20192021

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2021, 11:13:59 AM »
Ok so Like you said remoteuseraccess is straightforward and I understand what to do but I am stuck on the installation part in the link you gave me there is a contrib link for 9 and 10 to download however there is no contrib download for 10 it says not found is there another place to get that?

Also I see the file smeserver-remoteuseraccess-1.3-2.el6.sme.noarch downloads to the computer you download it off of so leads to my next question how do I download that on to the server? Do I upload this file to an I-bay then download it or is there like a browser to download it like on the server when your actually looking at the server not through Server manager?

Same for the letsencrypt smeserver-letsencrypt-0.5-17.noarch how do I download it?

okay for the letsencrypt I see that is free which I honestly find hard to believe but I welcome it. How well does it work with the web? Does everything recognize it? Does Google (gmail) recognize it? 


Offline TerryF

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2021, 12:38:45 PM »
You really do need to do some homework first on using the terminal window, how to use a ssh client like putty, what yum does and how an rpm is installed. A basic understanding of koozali repositories will also help.

smeserver-remoteuseraccess-1.3-2.el6.sme.noarch is a sme9 rpm, do not attempt to install el6 rpms on sme10

I would not go anywhere near letsencrypt until you know what you are doing its got the potential to bite you on the arse in the blink of an eye

You can also use the server-manager to install packages from koozali configured repositories, just enable the contribs repo and the available packages will be listed, select and the system will do the rest, again, some basic knowledge of using the server-manager is needed,

Using a terminal and the cli is more versatile and powerful, well worth the work needed to learn the what and how.
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Offline JRBATM20192021

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2021, 05:33:29 AM »
Okay so here is where I am stuck now I know Yum is the Software installer in Server manager but I have no idea how to get remoteuseraccess and letsencrypt smeserver-letsencrypt-0.5-17.noarch into the yum installer to install them.

How do I do that?

Offline TerryF

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2021, 06:15:30 AM »
Okay so here is where I am stuck now I know Yum is the Software installer in Server manager but I have no idea how to get remoteuseraccess and letsencrypt smeserver-letsencrypt-0.5-17.noarch into the yum installer to install them.

If that is how you have researched how yum is used..get your money back..

Yum is used from the command line in a terminal window, NOT from the server-manager, see the attached image, read the wiki, the basics are all there.

1.  I have opened a terminal window to my home server using putty, having allowed remoteaccess from within server-manager. See the wiki
2.  I have logged in as root
3.  I have used yum to begin the process of installing remoteuseraccess
# yum install smeserver-remoteuseraccess --enablerepo=smecontribs
4.  See bottom of the attached terminal window, If I answer Y the contrib will be installed

above is using a terminal that has been logged into and installing a package

SM is different - Server-manager can also be used by using the menu item Software Installer - however further configuration is required to select a contrib, again see the wiki

as I said you really do need to do some reasearch or find somone near to you to run you through the basics...
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Offline JRBATM20192021

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2021, 06:35:32 AM »
Okay thank you for pointing out what the correct way was to install that stuff I needed that. I have read a lot and I have done a lot of research and I just have trouble with understanding all of the heavy Linux programming language.

Okay with the remote user access The Putty says I installed it successfully but nothing is different in server manager. I have read the wiki and what it told me to do is not there in Server Manager. If you tell me I need to restart it I will I am not with the server right now I will restart it when I am with it tomorrow.

Okay with the lets encrypt I did what I was told to do in the wiki and I got a couple of errors Can you give me some advice on what I need to do? Because I am not sure what I need to do.

A screen shot of my putty is attached.


Offline TerryF

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2021, 12:09:31 PM »
With smeserver-remoteuseraccess installed, not doing a reboot and haveing at least one ordinary user added, I have a new menu item in server-manager under 'Security' - User Remote Access see attached image.

As far as letsencrypt goes did you read what the system is telling you?  You have your repos out of whack.

I suspect you have disabled important repos when mucking about in server-manager, see attached image for result when correct. again back to the wiki and research

I have to add here, with letsencrypt, this is the easy and straightforward stage, the curve gets steep from here on, if you are confused now and cant work out whats happening it does not bode well for what is to come.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2021, 12:15:04 PM by TerryF »
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Offline TerryF

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2021, 12:19:44 PM »
Okay with the remote user access The Putty says I installed it successfully but nothing is different in server manager.

What was returned in the terminal, ie what did it tell you exactly?
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Offline JRBATM20192021

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #26 on: July 13, 2021, 09:43:46 PM »
Okay with the remote user access I have the tab now I didn't have that last night. So I am good to go there.

Okay with the lets encrypt I will work on it some more its the only thing standing in my way now. However is this guaranteed to be recognized by all places? I know it says I can set that. What I am concerned with is that I don't want to program something that is not going to work. 

Thank you.

Offline ReetP

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #27 on: July 13, 2021, 10:54:57 PM »
Code: [Select]
heavy Linux programming language.
This is not heavy, and it is not a programming language.

It is just bash commands in a shell. Like using Basic on a ZX81.

It is fast, once you practice a bit. It's why we all use it.

You have a choice here, like we all did. You can either stay in the safe zone, accept what is in the server-manager and carry on with what you are limited to there.

Or you can roll up your sleeves and get your hands a bit dirty. But to do that you also have to do what we all did which is to read a lot, and learn.

I made that choice 25 years ago, and still read and learn today. And as a result, somewhere in your server, are bits of code I wrote, some of it for letsencrypt ;-) I am no guru. I have just read more help pages then you have.

You can do this too.

You will get more help here, but only if you help yourself.

I wrote this some while ago for Rocket,Chat, but if you leave out the Rocket.Chat specifics and read up on how to ask sensible questions, you will help yourself and others.


Specifically these pages


Okay with the lets encrypt I will work on it some more its the only thing standing in my way now. However is this guaranteed to be recognized by all places? I know it says I can set that. What I am concerned with is that I don't want to program something that is not going to work. 

You are not about to program anything. Just configure it. The code that we wrote will do the 'heavy lifting' for you.

Read about SSL and https. Read again so you understand it. Read about Letsencrypt.

Make sure your DNS and firewall are setup correctly to allow access to your server. No access, and Letsencrypt can't confirm it is you and it will fail.

Follow the wiki.

USE TEST MODE until you get no errors.

Instructions are on the wiki on how to revert if you have a disaster.

1. Read the Manual
2. Read the Wiki
3. Don't ask for support on Unsupported versions of software
4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

Bugs are easier than you think: http://wiki.contribs.org/Bugzilla_Help

If you love SME and don't want to lose it, join in: http://wiki.contribs.org/Koozali_Foundation

Offline TerryF

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2021, 11:36:32 PM »
He is a helpful gnome isn't he :-)

Re your issue with installing letsencrypt, I beleive you have disabled the smeos repo and others when trying to use server-manager, in a terminal using putty you can restore the functiona of all the default repos with a few simple commands and yes it is in the wiki restore the defaulot repos and try again. Warning as simple as it is it also very powerful working in a terminal, which is why its so useful, a slip of a finger can be catastrophic so check and double check what you typ befoire pressing the launch button 'enter'

Essential reading
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Offline TerryF

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Re: Setting up an I-bay for an outside user
« Reply #29 on: July 13, 2021, 11:49:26 PM »
Further, was being lazy, to add third party repos can be done as you will find in the wiki and more simpley using an install rpm sitting in the smeaddons repo, see here https://wiki.koozali.org/Extrarepositories

$ yum install smeserver-extrarepositories-epel --enablerepo=smeaddons

epel repo is one that is useful going down the road..

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