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Open invite to online video conference on AI & tech with Sing from Rocket.Chat

Offline ReetP

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Dear all I am going to arrange a video meet with my old boss at Rocket.Chat, Sing Li.

He is 'Chief Opportunities Office'r and looks for new ideas, markets etc etc.

You can see where he fits in here:


Currently he is loved up with AI (and yes, thanks to Brian, some of your Koozali SME v11 code was actually generated by AI!!)

I made a suggestion that he'd be a great guy to have a general chat with about AI, and tech in general.

He's also done loads of GSoC as well so has ideas & opinions on that too. We ran a successful GSoD in 2019 and I am currently a mentor (!!) on two AI projects for GSoC at Rocket.Chat

This is not a sell job or anything - well, he'll try and and get you involved in more AI 🙂 - but a good chance to discuss AI and it's future. Him and I are forever debating it!!

He's very knowledgeable about a lot of stuff and a really interesting guy to talk with.

A great chance to chat with someone with masses of experience in the industry.

I will publish a URL once I know but I'm currently trying to work out a good day/time to meet.

(He is in Canada on UTC -6)

Hope some you can come along - this is great opportunity - even if you only just want to listen in!

If you want to come along then let me know so I can try and accommodate you.
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Offline mmccarn

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I'd love to join.  I'm available almost all day most Fridays...

Offline ReetP

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I'd love to join.  I'm available almost all day most Fridays...

I think you are on EDT so -4 UTC?

Just trying to work out the best time to accommodate us.

I think probably a Friday/Saturday might be best.
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Offline mmccarn

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I think you are on EDT so -4 UTC?

I think probably a Friday/Saturday might be best.
I'll be busy this coming Saturday, but generally Saturday is even more open than Friday ;-)

Offline ReetP

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OK :-)

It might take a week or two to align - just giving others a chance to respond before I fix a date.
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Offline pmulroney

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Perth Western Australia GMT+8

Because of timezones, I'll probably be the guy that gets up a midnight to attend this meeting, so it doesn't really matter to me - just not Sunday and not Tuesday if possible.

Offline ReetP

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OK - I am looking at around 2000/2100 UTC on Friday 14th June - that's early Sat 15th June for down under.

We may be able to shift that a bit depending on Brians ability to stay awake that late!!

It's difficult trying to set a time for people from -8 to +10 !!

Let me know if you have any queries.

Also if there are any specific questions you want answered please scribe here and we'll make sure we ask him.

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4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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Offline ReetP

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OK, Brian can't make the 14th and he is one of the keenest AI people and I really want him there.

28th June is the next available.

Same time.
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4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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Offline pmulroney

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I can't make the 14th either because of a previous engagement.  28th is also booked for me.  Sorry!

If the bulk of people can make these dates, please go ahead with it anyway!  Maybe the session can be recorded?


Offline ReetP

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Trying to please all the people all the time!

It would be 28/29 depending on where you live.

2000/2100 UTC 28/06/24 so 29th down under. Mark has to shoot at 2200 UTC so balancing times too.

We may be able to record it - we'll give it a go.
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Offline ReetP

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If anyone wants to join the AI club at open.rocket.chat to chat all things AI generically then please DM me.
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4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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Offline ReetP

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OK so we are confirmed around

2000/2100 UTC 28/06/24

I'll firm up the time closer to the date - trying to balance time between East and West and peoples availability!

If anyone has any questions they want asked then please jot them down here or DM me.

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4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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Offline ReetP

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Don't forget this week!!

2000 UTC 28/06

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4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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Offline ReetP

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If you can make it then DM me a gmail address and I'll send you a calendar thingy.

If you have questions on AI etc you want asked then post them here or DM me.

This is a very casual session so do please come!

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4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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Offline ReetP

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OK - I have set up a calendar event now.

Let me have an email address if you want to be added.

I will post a meeting link anyway closer to the time.
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4. I have a job, wife, and kids and do this in my spare time. If you want something fixed, please help.

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