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installing 5.6 updates


installing 5.6 updates
« on: December 02, 2002, 04:37:22 AM »
i just KNOW this is gonna be a dumb question
(but ive browsed the phorum and im confused
which way to correctly go about install of 5.6 updates)

does one install the 5 updates for 5.6b7 by
1. rpm -Uhv
2. using blades - if so how
3. some other way

thanks in advance Rob

Michael Maggard

Re: installing 5.6 updates
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2002, 08:10:24 PM »
robert wrote:
> i just KNOW this is gonna be a dumb question
> (but ive browsed the phorum and im confused
> which way to correctly go about install of 5.6 updates)

The directions probably aren't on the phorums as 5.6 isn't released software: It's *beta* aka pre-release, under-development, not-ready-for-general-use, at-your-own-risk, unstable, unreliable, don't-use-unless-you-know-what-you-are-doing, unsuitable-for-a-production-environment. Therefore discussion regarding it is on the development mailing list of which there's an archive on the e-smith website.

It is my understanding one installs the 5.6 BETAs by downloading and burning a CD, running it as an upgrade, the same as other upgrades. However the fact that you're at a loss would suggest you might wish to first invest some more time in becoming familiar with the beta process, the release notes, and the support mechanism (the development mailing list, not the General phorum) before you commit yourself.

Your Milage May Vary

Steve Bush

Re: installing 5.6 updates
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2002, 02:44:12 AM »
If you mean the rpm's that were released after 5.6b7, you would apply the patches from a command line just like in prior releases, with the rpm -Uvh parameters...and after a full known working backup of course...