Koozali.org: home of the SME Server

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Offline Stefano

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what does it means, there are around 30 000 users of sme in the world ?....it's not  enough!!!!

stats are about servers, not users.. there are SME serving hundreds users..

anyway, could you define "it's not enough"?
thank you

Offline pfloor

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what does it means, there are around 30 000 users of sme in the world ?....it's not  enough!!!!
betchern0t posted his concerns about possible "shrinkage" and byte posted a link to the current stats however the point of the number of current servers is missed (and misleading) without more history.

What is missing here is the growth that is not shown by such a short amount of time (9 weeks).  This does not show the growth over the past couple of years.

Smolt Estimates (from memory)...
At time of implementation (around Sept 2007) 10,000 Servers.
Approx 1 year ago 20,000 Servers.
Today there are 30,000+ servers out there.

This is from memory so the numbers are not exact but it should give you a good idea about the growth and dispel any myths about SME shrinking.

In life, you must either "Push, Pull or Get out of the way!"

Offline stephdl

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i mean it's a lot of people effectively....but i'm affraid about Sme Server....
i don't think there are a lot of new users, and if you see the french mailling list of sme user, the decrease is visible, and evident


However, it's a great distribution but that is really starting to grow old in web and samba
i heard that the sme8 RC will come for april 2010 and i'm happy.

sorry for my english, i'm french
See http://wiki.contribs.org/Koozali_Foundation
irc : Freenode #sme_server #sme-fr

!!! Please write your knowledge to the Wiki !!!

Offline slords

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Smolt Estimates (from memory)...
At time of implementation (around Sept 2007) 10,000 Servers.
Approx 1 year ago 20,000 Servers.
Today there are 30,000+ servers out there.

Number of registered systems isn't the same thing as active sme servers.  The graph on the front page is a count of active systems.  The count under stats is the number of registered systems.  The difference between the two (~15k) is the number of systems that were installed (some for testing/verification) that are no longer active.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs,
and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -- Rich Cook

Offline pfloor

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Number of registered systems isn't the same thing as active sme servers.  The graph on the front page is a count of active systems.  The count under stats is the number of registered systems.  The difference between the two (~15k) is the number of systems that were installed (some for testing/verification) that are no longer active.
True and the growth of the number of active systems also shows continuous increases.

Sept 2007 = 9,800 (From memory, Shad can you go back any further)
Sept 2008 = 14,000
Sept 2009 = 17,500
Today = 18,423
« Last Edit: March 06, 2010, 11:20:23 PM by slords »
In life, you must either "Push, Pull or Get out of the way!"