- this:is due to avoid unwanted upgrade of packages from atrpms repo, correct ?
- Sieve and dovecot-lda: unless sieve is disabled (this is by default ?) the Sme server still uses qmail, correct this too ? (I think so because I can see mail transactions in my qmail log).
Not matter if sieve is enabled or not (and it defaults to enabled), qmail is still used, it's the MTA (decides where to route incoming emails). But qmail then "gives" the mails to dovecot for local delivery (dovecot-lda is the LDA if sieve is enabled)
- the additional features in dovecot-imap are not depending from sieve (sieve = a script language to process mail at server level);
Not all features depends on sieve, but a few interesting ones, especially with SOGo are (filters, out of office, forward)
- sogo: it seems that they have moved config in a more standard place: /etc/sogo; so templates are in /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sogo/sogo.conf and customized templates must be placed in /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/sogo/sogo.conf
Right, I should update my wiki page
- I did my test on a fresh box with only few admin/root mails: can I expect any problem on a "live" box with lot of mail and fully configured mailboxes ?
I don't think so, I've installed this contrib on a few busy servers (~120 users, 6 years of email history, several million emails) and had no issue
- the last question: can we think to integrate all of this in Sme ? The development of Sogo has gone to dovecot 2 and considering that Sme 8.1 has a good chance to live for almost a long time, dovecot 1.x may be a problem; . . . . and considering that FWS has done almost all the job . . . . . ---> wish list ?
It's already integrated in SME9, but we're not sure for SME8, as it's quite intrusive, and stable branch should change that much. As SME9 should be available soon, I don't think it worth changing SME8